Weather: New week starts with thunderstorms – partly heavy rain possible

New week also starts with thunderstorms – partly heavy rain possible

Thunderstorms are also expected in many places next week. Photo

© Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

Showers, thunderstorms and in some places heavy rain: On Sunday and at the start of the new week, the risk of severe weather has not been averted.

Showers and Thunderstorms are likely to continue to dominate the weather in some parts of Germany in the coming days. The low pressure system is expected to continue until the middle of the week, explained meteorologist Jacqueline Kernn from the German Weather Service (DWD). “Due to the high humidity in the air and the low speed of the thunderstorms, a lot of rain can fall in a short space of time.”

There is a risk of flooding, flooded basements and underpasses in some areas. “It is also possible that the thunderstorms will grow into larger areas of precipitation,” said Kernn. Smaller streams and rivers could then swell and overflow their banks.

Sunday changeable, Monday cloudy

For Sunday, meteorologists expect a mix of longer sunny periods and increasing cumulus clouds. Showers and sometimes strong thunderstorms with heavy rain are expected from midday, particularly in the north and east. Maximum temperatures will reach 20 to 25 degrees.

Monday is likely to be cloudy, with heavy showers and thunderstorms possible from central Germany towards the east. In the west, however, it will remain mostly dry, with short showers and isolated thunderstorms only possible in the afternoon. Maximum temperatures will reach 19 degrees in the Eifel and around 27 degrees in Brandenburg.

The eastern half of Germany is also expected to experience heavy showers and thunderstorms on Tuesday – there could also be heavy rain. In the western half it should remain largely dry with maximum temperatures of up to 22 degrees, in the east up to 25 degrees.

Seek shelter in your house or car during thunderstorms

During thunderstorms there is always a danger of lightning strikes, warned Kernn. “It is best to go indoors when a thunderstorm approaches. You are also safe from lightning strikes in a car.”

Generally, one must expect gusts of wind, especially during severe thunderstorms, but the danger is currently low due to low air pressure differences. Since thunderstorms are difficult to predict precisely, it is advisable to monitor the weather and warning situation.


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