Weather: Highest summer temperature measured in Bavaria – Bavaria

The summer of 2023 in Germany was significantly warmer than the long-term average – Bavaria played a special role in this: In the Middle Franconian town of Möhrendorf-Kleinseebach (Erlangen-Höchstadt district), the year’s highest temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius was measured in mid-July, like the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Wednesday. According to the preliminary balance sheet of the DWD, Bavaria was also the second sunniest federal state after Baden-Württemberg (636 hours) with 623 hours of sunshine.

In the current year, the DWD recorded the 27th summer in a row, which is above the long-term average temperature of 16.3 degrees between 1961 and 1990 – namely 18.6 degrees nationwide. In this way, one can “experience climate change live,” explained the press spokesman for the DWD, Uwe Kirsche. In Bavaria it was even a bit warmer with an average of 18.8 degrees.

A low-rain month in June was characteristic throughout Germany. In Bavaria it was the driest June since weather records began. Although July was also perceived as particularly rainy in Bavaria, the amount of precipitation over the entire summer at 315 liters per square meter was only very slightly above the usual value. It looked different nationwide: around a tenth more rain was measured there than the long-term average.

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