Weather: Harbingers of winter on the Feldberg

Heralds of winter on the Feldberg

Only a few days after the end of the Golden October, the first snow falls on the highest peak in Baden-Württemberg, the 1493 meter high Feldberg. photo

© Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa

Snow on the Feldberg: Winter is coming. In the coming days, however, it will become milder again.

A mini onset of winter has covered the highest mountain in Germany outside the Alps, the 1493 meter high Feldberg near Freiburg, with a light layer of snow on Saturday. “All three centimeters came together,” said an employee of the German Weather Service, looking at the data from 7 a.m. “It will certainly be a short thing.”

Since the temperatures should be slightly above zero during the day, the snow will melt away soon. But snowflakes could fall from time to time.

On the night of Sunday, motorists in the region in particular should expect freezing wet at altitudes of 1000 meters or more. In the coming days, however, it should be milder again, so that according to the forecasts, snow and ice should no longer be an issue for the time being.


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