Weather at the weekend: Map shows where it can be dangerously slippery

weather at the weekend
Winter is here – map shows where it can get dangerously slippery

The weekend weather could pose a challenge for drivers. The current temperatures can be found in the interactive map linked in the text.

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The weather on the third weekend in Advent is wintry and cold, sometimes it snows. Meteorologists warn of ice. An interactive map shows the current temperatures.

The weather in Germany is turning wintry – while double-digit minus temperatures are not yet expected, but with temperatures hovering around freezing, it can be slick and slippery and potentially dangerous for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

This Friday, the meteorologists expect sunshine in the northern half of Germany. It can snow in the low mountain ranges and in the southwest, write the experts at “”. In the afternoon, snowfalls in Bavaria and Saxony are possible.

During the day, a maximum of plus 4 degrees is expected in Germany – but it feels colder because of the wind. Permafrost prevails in some regions of the country. The German Weather Service (DWD) predicts the lowest values ​​at minus seven degrees and warns urgently of ice.

Weekend: Wintry weather with snow and frost

While it shouldn’t initially snow in the north on Saturday, the DWD expects more intense snowfall in the south and south-east of the country. Experts estimate that later the snow will also reach the North and Baltic Seas.

The map shows the current forecast. Clicking on the map takes you to the provider “”.

We owe the snow near the Alps to Deep “Birgit”, which is increasingly influencing our weather from northern Italy, according to “”. At the weekend, a wintry weather situation will set in, which will also cause light permafrost in the lowlands. The south and east could still get some snow on Sunday, according to the current forecast. Precipitation is also possible later from the west. The temperatures vary between minus five and plus three degrees.

In view of the precipitation and humidity, there is likely to be a dangerous slippery mix on the roads in Germany. If you are out and about outside, you should therefore drive or walk with particular care.

Sources: ““, German Weather Service

Fogged window

Watch the video: Scratching in winter is annoying, and windows that are fogged up on the inside are just as annoying. Socks and cat litter help in a simple way to suck moisture out of the car – and keep it away.

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