Weather and cold: Maps show where it is coldest in Germany

Cold snap
These maps show where it is coldest – and where it feels particularly frosty

Weather: The map shows the perceived temperature in Germany. You can find a current version in the article (Map II)


Winter weather and cold have Germany under control. There is snow and ice on the streets and the thermometer regularly shows temperatures in the minus range. Maps show where it is coldest – and where it feels frostiest.

There has been permanent frost in Germany for days. Although no new snow is currently expected in most parts of the country, according to the German Weather Service (DWD), there will be no thaw either. Temperatures continue to be well below freezing. Ice and slippery conditions will remain on the roads for the time being, but people in Germany still need to wrap up warm.

The perceived temperatures – i.e. the perceived ambient temperatures – in Germany are sometimes even lower than the measured air temperatures, as the overview in Map II below shows.

Map I: The minimum temperatures for today

The map below shows the expected minimum temperatures for the current day. The graphics are provided by the “” portal, which is like that star belongs to RTL Germany. The click takes you to the provider.

Map II: The current perceived temperature

The graphic below also comes from “” and shows the current perceived temperature – a combination of humidity, solar radiation, temperature and wind. The graphic represents an indicator of the subjective feeling.

Map III: Live view and forecast: The weather in Germany

Would you like to know where in Germany the temperatures are lowest at the moment? The live map below shows it. For a forecast of the coming days, click on the “Play” button at the bottom left. You can also change the view at the top right of the menu, for example to rain and thunderstorms.

The service is provided by “”. The makers use the model from the “European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts” for their representations and forecasts.


In the gallery: The pictures of the day tell small and large stories from around the world.


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