Weather alert: Intense and widespread heat wave in the west

By Cyril BONNEFOYmeteorologist

The complete live weather forecast by telephone at


From Thursday August 11 at 2 p.m. to Saturday August 13 at 6 p.m.


The very hot weather is spreading throughout the west this Thursday and is now progressing towards the central regions and Ile-de-France. Friday and Saturday will be the hottest days of the episode. In Languedoc-Roussillon and in the lower Rhône valley, the high temperatures continue, but to a lesser extent than in recent days, especially by the sea, due to a light, more temperate sea wind which is now setting in.

Thus, this heat wave is widespread and long-lasting, with highs between 34 and 39°C and lows around 18 to 22°C. The heat wave thresholds have therefore been reached in many departments, in particular throughout the west and Paris.

This new heat wave aggravates the current drought and increases the risk of outbreaks of fires and vegetation and forest fires, especially since it is accompanied, in the northern half of France, by a northeasterly wind persistent although weakening for this weekend.

The evolution for the weekend highlights the continuation of very high temperatures over three quarters of our country despite a stormy evolution in the south-west for Saturday, while a slight attenuation of the heat wave would occur partially on Sunday by the west under the effect of thunderstorms. The evolution for next week, however, remains to be clarified: the stormy heat could continue.


This Thursday

This afternoon, the temperatures were therefore scorching in the departments placed on orange alert, with:

40.6°C in Captieux (Gironde)
40.4°C in Bustince (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
39.8°C at Mont de Marsan (Landes)
39°C in Auch (Gers)
38.8°C in Albi (Tarn)
38.6°C in Agen (Lot-et-Garonne)
38.4°C in Saintes (Charente-Maritime)
38°C in Bordeaux
36°C in Nantes and Lyon
33°C in Paris

At 2:45 p.m., temperatures were very high under a generally blue sky, except for a few high clouds in the southwest and the presence of an ash haze linked to the Gironde fires.
For example, we noted:
31.5°C in Lille and Rouen
32°C in Paris and Clermont-Ferrand
33° in Brest
34°C in Lyon, Rennes and Grenoble
34.5°C in Nantes
35° in Toulouse and Montelimar
36° in Bordeaux
A few secondary weather stations recorded peaks of 37°C in Lot-et-Garonne.
Note that the breezes by the sea had a noticeable cooling effect in places compared to inland, with 24°C in Dieppe (76) and 30°C on the beaches of Gironde.

At noon, temperatures were higher than the day before at the same time. It was already over 25°C almost everywhere, fairly evenly.
We noted, at 11:30 am, already 27° in Lille and Clermont-Ferrand
28° in Paris and Lyon
29° in Bordeaux
30° in Toulouse
Note the presence of a hazy and whitish-looking sky over the Toulouse plain, to the south of the Tarn: it is the smoke from the forest fires of the Gironde.

At 9 a.m., temperatures are already very high in the west with more than 20°C from southern Brittany to the Basque Country and the Midi-Pyrénées, as well as in the Paris region, in the Lyonnais and near the Mediterranean.

Here are some minimum temperatures recorded last night:

Paris: 20.2°C
Dax (Landes): 20.6°C
Limoges (Vienna): 20.7°C
Tregunc (Finistère): 21.3°C
Bordeaux (Gironde): 21.8°C
Biarritz (Pyrenees Atlantiques): 22.3°C
Biscarosse (Landes): 22.4°C
Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): 23.4°C

yesterday wednesday

at 5 p.m., the maximum temperatures approached 35 to 39°C over the entire Atlantic arc and in the Midi Pyrenees.
For example, 39°C was recorded in Navarrenx (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) and Samadet (Landes). It was also 38.4°C in Mont-de-Marsan and Dax (Landes).

at 15hhigh heat affects 90% of the country and is particularly intense in the west in the departments on orange alert.
We noted:
34°C in Vannes (Morbihan) and Rennes (Île-et-Vilaine)
34.5°C in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique)
35°C in La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) and Cognac (Charente)
36°C in Agen (Lot) and Périgueux (Dordogne)
37°C in Bordeaux (Gironde) and Toulouse (Haute-Garonne)
38°C in Dax and Mont-de-Marsan (Landes)

at noon, sun, blue sky and heat reigned over all of France. Temperatures were already between 24 and 32°C, even by the sea (Channel coast) before the breezes lifted in the afternoon.
For example, we noted:
25° in Lille
26° in Lyon and Rouen
27° in Paris
28° in Nantes and Strasbourg
31° in Bordeaux and Nîmes
32° in Toulouse and Albi

This Wednesday morning, minimum temperatures were on a general rise. The relative freshness of the beginning of the week, on the northern half in particular, had disappeared, the night having been warmer. It was generally everywhere from 17° to 20°C at daybreak, with:
26°C in Menton and Nice
20.3°C in Nantes
20°C in the streets of Paris
19.9°C in Dunkirk


Chronology of this fourth heat wave

This Friday, more than 35°C is expected over 3/4 of the country, with peaks around 37/39°C in the central regions and occasionally 40°C in the south-west. It will be the hottest day of the series, with a national thermal indicator of 26.7°C, but behind the 28.5°C peaks of June and July.

From the weekend, the weather will turn stormy in an atmosphere that will become moist and tropical. In this context, the very strong heat will be generalized to the whole territory, because the northeast wind will no longer blow north of the Loire, causing a heavy and sometimes painful feeling to bear.

In detail, the day of Saturday will be almost as hot as Friday with minimum temperatures not dropping below 20 to 23°C throughout France, and reaching 33 to 38°C in the afternoon. Peaks of 40°C are expected in the Garonne valley. Then, potentially violent heat storms will break out in the Pyrenean departments in the evening and the following night. These storms may be the subject of a specific weather alert. In total, the thermal indicator for this day on Saturday would be down slightly at the national level because a slight attenuation of the daytime heat should be felt (national thermal indicator forecast at 25.6°C).

Sunday, the day will still be very hot, especially in the east and northeast, in the absence of wind and thunderstorms. On the other hand, the stormy degradation is likely to gain momentum from the south-west towards the Central massif, the Center and the Rhône valley during the day. As a result, temperatures would then drop slightly in the west and south-west: these areas would emerge from the heat wave, which could still persist in the center-east and the Paris basin.

Temperatures will therefore slowly start to drop over the west from Saturday evening, but due to the humidity in the air, the feeling will become painful, heavy and clammy. The very high temperatures are then likely to persist in the northeast of the country until Monday, August 15. It is after August 15 that we can hope for a return to more reasonable temperatures and a possible exit from this heat wave, under the effect of the establishment of a stormy cold drop. To date, our forecasts tend to minimize the cooling: the weather would remain warm, but frequently stormy, allowing an exit from the heat wave, but possibly remaining in a still warm context. The evolution for next week therefore remains to be confirmed.

List of departments concerned

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