Weather alert: Establishment of a lasting heat wave

By Gilles MATRICONmeteorologist

The complete live weather forecast by telephone at


From Monday July 11 at 12:00 p.m. to Thursday July 14 at 9:00 a.m.


A huge heat dome is set up over the Maghreb and rises towards western Europe via France. Our country will be located in the heart of this torrid air dome. This blockage situation could bring temperatures to record levels. The whole country will be affected at one time or another by these scorching temperatures.


This Sunday at 12 is already hot in the southwest with 26 to 29°C in the Aquitaine basin.


It is Monday that the heat wave will begin with temperatures that will exceed 35°C south of the Garonne in the afternoon.

Thereafter, Tuesday and Wednesday, these very strong heats will gain a very large south-west quarter, going up towards Auvergne and Burgundy where the 35°C will be crossed in the afternoon.

On Thursday and Friday, the heat wave will continue in the south, from Aquitaine and the Pyrenees to Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Then, next weekend as well as Monday, the heat wave will envelop the whole country. The heat will be scorching in all of our regions Absolute heat records could then be broken in many cities.

Thereafter, from July 20, the heat wave should gradually recede in the west, but persist for a few more days in the east.

This heat wave could take on an exceptional character, by its duration, its intensity and its geographical extension, because the whole country will be affected at one time or another by this heat wave.

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