“We will not let go”, promises Nathalie Appéré after the outbreak of violence

The subject was on everyone’s lips. Monday evening, the question of the violence which strikes the popular district of Maurepas was invited in the room of the municipal council of Rennes. Three days after the shootings with automatic weapons of which the police officers who were patrolling by bicycle were victims, the opposition obviously took up the subject to undermine Nathalie Appéré and her majority. “How many more dramas will it take in our city? How many broken lives? How many inhabitants terrorized in their daily life will it take for you to be up to the situation demands? “, tackled the opponent Charles Compagnon (center right) at the opening of the council.

For several weeks, the Maurepas district has been the scene of several serious acts. Before the automatic weapon fire, a 28-year-old man died, stabbed in the heart by an individual. “Rennes expect immediate, strong and unambiguous measures from you, even if it means making you angry with part of your majority,” added the trader, in reference to the merger of the socialist and environmentalist lists. “Facts never go unpunished in Rennes,” replied the mayor, in reference to the arrest of a man suspected of the murder perpetrated on avenue de Rochester.

Often questioned about the “changeover” of Rennes, the public prosecutor Philippe Astruc has wanted to be reassuring lately, believing that the situation is “overall more favorable than in other comparable agglomerations”. The reports from the field shared by the police are less enthusiastic, the latter being more and more often confronted with armed individuals. “If there was a magic solution, it would be known. But our attitude is firm and assumed. There is a deal point harassment policy. We won’t let go, ”says Nathalie Appéré.

The socialist mayor took the opportunity to recall that the municipal police force had been significantly reinforced since her election in 2020. The opposition agrees but demands that the agents be armed, as the unions are also demanding. “They must have suitable equipment”, assumes Charles Compagnon. A request to which the majority has always refused to give in, preferring the option of the electric pulse gun.

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