“We will not let go of the Armenians”, answers Emmanuel Macron to Sylvain Tesson

“The Armenians are calling you,” wrote Sylvain Tesson to Emmanuel Macron. The French writer published a letter in Le Figaro addressed to the President of the Republic to alert him to the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, and more generally to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. “Will France be able to take the risk of leading its allies to stand up for Armenia? “, he asks.

The Head of State had the opportunity, Wednesday evening, to answer him. Guest in the France 2 program The Event, Emmanuel Macron assured that France “does not let down” the Armenians. “Armenia is a country with which we have a unique bond, because Armenia has always fought for a form of universality in this region, of tolerance, of a spirit of peace,” he said. said, “no we don’t let them down”.

“We fought against the negationists, the revisionists of the genocide that Armenia suffered, added the president. And many families have come to France, many of our compatriots have Armenian origins and are listening to us. »

A European Mission

Returning from a European summit in Prague, the tenant of the Elysée also stressed that he had managed to bring together the representatives of the two countries for discussions which resulted in commitments on the part of Everan and Baku. .

“We have decided that the two parties undertake to recognize the 1991 borders, that they accept the principle of a European mission which will go to the field to observe the infringements in order to then allow the international community to come to a conclusion and restore order and respect for borders,” he said.

Russia seeks disorder

After a brief historical reminder of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Emmanuel Macron pointed the finger at Moscow. “Everything is linked”, he underlined, explaining that on the disputed border “5,000 Russian soldiers are there”. “In this conflict there is an underlying conflict. Russia used this conflict which dated back several decades and it interfered in this conflict, it obviously played the game of Azerbaijan, with Turkish complicity, and it came back there to weaken Armenia which however recently was a country she was close to. »

Moscow’s presence in this region is analyzed by Emmanuel Macron as “a maneuver to destabilize Russia, which in the Caucasus seeks to create disorder to weaken and divide us all”. “Unacceptable” remarks, castigated Moscow on Thursday. “Emmanuel Macron’s statements that Russia would use the conflict in Nagorny Karabakh to destabilize the South Caucasus are appalling and absolutely unacceptable,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“So, to put it simply, France is there, present, a power of mediation. Yours truly conducted this negotiation on behalf of the country during the night of Thursday to Friday last. And we will not let go of the Armenians and Armenians”, assured the French head of state.

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