We tested the Office of Legends escape game during Series Mania

“Have you traveled during the past three months? “,” Do you practice a combat sport? or “Why do you want to join the DGSE?” “, These are the kind of questions that a masked agent asks you at the entrance of the escape game dedicated to the” Bureau des Légendes “, the eponymous Canal + series. Installed in Place Rihour at the end of the Séries Mania village, the game runs until September 1, i.e. at the end of the international series festival.

For 25 euros for a 20-minute game for two to five players, you play your integration into the Legends Office. A reduced escape game which is the little brother of the long version created in Paris a year and a half ago. “It’s an appetizer of what we do in Paris where the game lasts two hours with the permanent presence of actors,” explains Emmanuel Teboul, co-founder of Dama Dreams, the company that created this escape game.

Release an agent retained by the Russian secret services

In the game launched in Lille, the goal is to free a French agent retained by the Russian secret services. After a proper interrogation, each player gets an alias during the mission. So here I am baptized Agent Merinos. Accompanied by agents Judas and Cyanure, my two acolytes during the mission, we therefore enter the office of the deputy director of the DGSE.

Very cold, this one informs us that Harlequin, a French agent, has been arrested by the Russian secret services who think they have discovered his festival cover at Séries Mania. To prevent it from being compromised, we try to free it thanks to different clues brought together in one and the same room. If the puzzles are easy enough to solve, the game goes (too) quickly and ended well for us with the release of the agent in the allotted time. A good moment that fans of the series will be able to discover during the festival on condition of register quickly because places are expensive to become a secret agent …

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