We saw “Guardians of the Galaxy 3” which puts Rocket at the center of the saga

How Rocket, a raccoon (even if he refuses to be defined as such) became a warrior dubbed in English by Bradley Cooper? In Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in theaters next Wednesday, James Gunn raises awareness of this fan favorite while taking stock of the aspirations of the other heroes still embodied by Chris Pratt Zo, Saldana, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff and Karen Gillian without forgetting the voice of Vin Diesel who makes Groot speak in the original version.

“I knew I wanted Rocket to be at the heart of the story, specifies James Gunn and that was all the more important to me as I feel particularly close to him. This complicity that the director feels for the character is widely shared by the public and his story constitutes the strong point of a story that does not exclude some repetitions and slowness.

Where were we ?

Peter Quill has been inconsolable since losing the love of his life, Gamora. He consoles himself with the bottle, the can, the bottle doesn’t matter, only the alcohol he can put down his throat counts. An attack targeting Rocket will give him the ideas in the right direction to save his best friend. All this is punctuated by rock hits that energize the action and are the hallmark of the saga. We happily beat time with each fight in often very inventive settings.

New to Villains

There, there is really food and drink. Will Poulter is a very successful addition to the franchise universe as Adam Warlock. His character development follows an interesting arc. More than that of the Big Villain played by Chukwudi Iwuji who loses his authority by dint of vituperating his troops by sputtering. His fits of fury, too frequent, end up hitting the system of a spectator who would like him to lower the sound a little and put his hand in front of his mouth before screaming.

superstar animals

Rocket has a past that makes him the friend of all animals often well mistreated by creatures who consider themselves superior to them. It is one of the driving forces of the story to emphasize the importance of the relationships between species. Some appearances, repulsive at first glance, reveal hearts of gold and very practical capacities at the time of the fight. We really like the dog Cosmo and a kind of furry and affectionate creature, ideal to make people want to buy the stuffed animal.

Friendship Above All

The triumph of Guardians of the Galaxy comes a lot from the attachment the viewer feels for these outcast friends against all odds despite – or perhaps thanks to – their weaknesses. This third opus is no exception to the rule by offering additional pleasant surprise appearances. It is no doubt reasonable to end the adventures of the Guardians here, but it is with a twinge of heart that we say goodbye to them for this last installment of the franchise.

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