“We must grow up” … The invincible Bretons crunched by the vice of the champion

At Roazhon Park,

Twenty very good first minutes. Before slipping down and becoming “ordinary” again. Impressive for several weeks, Stade Rennais was launched on the same standard when it entered the lawn to face an LOSC on alternating current. He returned to the ranks ninety minutes later when Lille raised their arms to the sky after their 2-1 success. After an excellent start, the Bretons had conceded the opener on a school movement concluded by Xeka before forgetting to defend on Renato Sanches who shot an impotent Alfred Gomis. The goal at the end of the match planted by Bourigeaud will have revived the suspense but not reversed the result. For the first time in fourteen meetings, Stade Rennais lost. At the same time, he saw Olympique de Marseille pass him in the standings, relegating him to third.

In the spans of Roazhon Park, there was bitterness. Because a series that stops is never easy to swallow. But above all because Lille took the Rennes people where they wanted. In a match chopped by faults, where the rhythm was constantly broken, the LOSC shone by its experience. “Lille are used to big games. The Champions League was learning, ”explains Jocelyn Gourvennec, referring to the failed campaign in C1 two years ago and that much more convincing that his team is leading. In this little game, Rennes lost and got angry. In the second period, Bruno Genesio was even sent off by Stéphanie Frappart, to whom he blamed a misdirected whistle. From experience, Reinildo took all his time to hit him, which drove the Rennes coach crazy. “I’m not used to talking about referees. Even less tonight. Even though there would be plenty to say. It’s no use, ”says Genesio.

The Breton coach will be more verbose a few minutes later, be patient, you will read it soon. “I didn’t really like this game. Tactically, we got disorganized ”. The fault of Lille who played behind their backs, betting on the speed of Jonathan David, Timothy Weah or Jonathan Bamba. But also to their cunning, their ability to slow down the game, taking long seconds to restart, even in the 40th minute. “No, that doesn’t annoy me, it’s part of football. But it was favored by decisions, let’s say… Questionable. We had very little effective playing time. I don’t want to take refuge behind it, it would be too easy. But Reinildo, he remains on the ground for two minutes. And we didn’t even play four minutes of added time ”. This anger, rather unusual for the former OL coach, led him to take a yellow card, then two, synonymous with suspension.

“One day or another we will have to take an example from rugby referees. You will look at the images on my second yellow and the attitude of Madame Frappart. You will see the images ”.

Bitter, Bruno Genesio recognizes that Lille played with his hand, after having made the round back during the first twenty minutes. “It’s up to us to grow up, to show more mischief,” he admits. The observation is the same in the mouth of the striker Benjamin Bourigeaud. “They have experienced players, they’ve played with. I don’t really want to talk about refereeing today ”. Is his team, known to be a player and young, too tender? “We tried too, believe me. They were leading in the score so it was much easier to play with time. But we know what went wrong today. We have to move on quickly ”.

Quickly bounce back in Saint-Etienne

Despite this halt and the end of the series, the Rennais do not want to question everything. Sunday, the Bretons will go to Saint-Etienne against a poorly classified opponent and in dire lack of confidence. An ideal prey to restart the machine. “It’s a halt. We knew the show was going to end. But we have character. I am proud that we did not give up. The whole team was concerned, ”assumes captain Hamari Traoré. To win, Gaëtan Laborde and his teammates will need to regain their collective strength, which has hurt so many teams, including PSG and Olympique Lyonnais. “We kind of confused everything. We wanted to go too fast in our game. We got too out of balance, ”admits Bruno Genesio.

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