We help you decipher (one last time) the text that applies this Friday

Far from the monster demonstrations and the historic opposition of the beginning of the year, the pension reform comes into force this Friday, September 1, 2023 in relative anonymity. Fronde of the people or lull, what does it matter, very concrete measures on the pensions of all careers and French employees apply. So what’s going on? 20 minutes summarizes everything for you.

How do I know my legal departure age?

This was the main point of tension, and unless you live in a cave, you know it: the legal starting age will increase from 62 to 64 years old. But not for everyone, because this difference is made gradually according to the date of birth.

To maintain the age at 62, you must be born before September 1, 1961. From there, you add 3 months per year. Thus, the generation born between September and December 1961 will leave at 62 years and 3 months, the generation born in 1962 will leave at 62 years and 6 months, that born in 1963 will leave at 62 years and 9 months, etc. It is necessary to wait for the 1968 generation to reach the famous 64 years.

But it is not only the legal age of departure that will change. The Touraine reform, enacted in 2014, also comes into action and will extend the contribution period necessary to leave at the full rate, from 168 to 172 quarters, again gradually. In short, everything is summarized here:

Modified long careers

Before the reform, there were two age limits for early departures: careers that started before the age of 20 and those before the age of 16. As of September 1, 2023, there are now four age limits: a start of active life between 20 and 21 years old, before 20 years old, before 18 years old and before 16 years old. The process was introduced to better take into account long careers. But in reality, there are no winners when it comes to starting age compared to before the reform, as this graph shows.

The revalued minimum pension

This is one of the direct effects of the application of the reform. The minimum pension will be revalued from September 1, to be increased to 848 euros gross for a full career, indicates the Pension Insurance site.

For insured persons who will retire from September 1, 2023, the minimum pension will therefore be increased by a maximum of 100 euros gross per month, provided that they have completed their entire career full-time at the minimum wage, an extremely selective and rare criterion. in the labor market. Ditto for those already retired, their minimum pension will increase to 100 euros gross per month, always having to justify a full, full-time career at minimum wage. Of the 17 million French retirees, only 125,000 will benefit from this increase of 100 euros gross, and 1.8 million will experience an increase of between 0 and 100 euros.

The proportion is also bleak for new starts. 800,000 French people leave the world of work every year. Only 10,000 to 40,000 of them should receive 100 euros more, according to estimates by the Ministry of Labor itself. They will be 200,000 to collect between 0 and 100 euros gross more.

The end of special diets

RIP the special diets. A person returning to the RATP, in the electricity and gas industry sector (EDF, Engie, ERDF, etc.), to the Banque de France or starting to work as a clerk or employee of a notary will be affiliated to the general scheme for his basic pension, and the supplementary scheme corresponding to his activity.

For people already working in these organizations, the special scheme is maintained, according to the famous “grandfather clause” which prevents retroactive effects on special schemes. Nevertheless, even the latter will not escape the gradual two-year shift in the legal retirement age (from January 1, 2025) and the acceleration of the Touraine reform of 2014.

The retirement age is also delayed by two years for civil servants in the “active” categories (caregiver, nurse, firefighter), from 57 to 59, and “super active” (national police, air traffic controller, prison guard), from 54 to 56 years old.

A bonus for some mothers

Mothers who will exceed 178 trimesters one year before the legal retirement age, and who have during their career at least one trimester of maternity or childcare increase, will have a surcharge of 1.25% for each additional quarter paid over these 43 years of contribution. This surcharge is limited to 5%.

Occupational risk factors better taken into account

There are six occupational risk factors: extreme temperatures, noise, night work, work in a hyperbaric environment (high pressure), work in alternating successive shifts and repetitive work. From now on, these are cumulative and the number of points acquired on the professional prevention account (C2P) will increase in proportion to the number of risk factors involved in the work. Each point will increase his personal training account by 500 euros, against 375 euros so far.

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