“We have all the necessary means to air-condition the city of tomorrow,” says Christian Estrosi

Tourists are not about to flee Nice. Christian Estrosi, mayor of the city and president of his metropolis, was this Thursday the guest of the political program of TV5 Monde “Face aux Territoires”. A reader of 20 minutes addressed him via this question: “Drought, record number of tropical nights, storm Alex… In recent years, the metropolis of Nice has not been spared by climatic events. Are you worried that it could drive locals away or even deter tourists from coming? »

The chosen one answered on the second part of the question. “Quite the opposite is happening. We had 3.9 million nights in 2019 in Nice, the last major reference year before Covid-19, we were at 4.2 million nights in our hotel business in 2022. As I speak to you, we have 30 % more bookings. What happened in the meantime? First, a climate plan accompanied by a High Council for the Climate where we have nearly 19 geographers, meteorologists, climatologists of national reference as Magali Reghezza who accompany us with their expertise on all the decisions we make. »

“Never seen so many hotel investments”

Christian Estrosi continues: “We start from the principle that today we have, also with the help of artificial intelligence, all the means necessary to air-condition the city of tomorrow. Which does not mean that there will be minus five degrees of temperature, but minus five, six, seven degrees of temperature felt, it is possible by recreating as our ancestors did in the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries in constructability and l town planning of air currents; by using water, vegetation and air currents, a return of this freshness to the interior of our streets. »

“And today, I have never seen so many hotel investments, especially in the high end, because the shareholders of the large groups see the efforts we are making on the development of our territory, advances the mayor of Nice. They tell themselves that in terms of amortization over twenty or thirty years, these are the cities that will reassure our visitors, our tourists and the major economic summits such as the One Ocean Summit which will be held in June 2025. “

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