“We dominated” … The Germans or the big comeback of seum 2.0

The Germans disappointed after their defeat against France at the Euro. – Alex Gottschalk / DeFodi Im / SIPA

  • The France team beat Germany on Tuesday night for its entry into the Euro.
  • The Germans, however harmless and who should have conceded a penalty (and be reduced to ten), believe that they were level with their opponents.
  • At this level of threshold, we found even better than the Belgians in 2018.

From our special correspondent in Munich,

It is our friends the Belgians who will be happy! It’s not even a week since Euro 2021 is launched that we already have our champions of seum 2.0. We were quietly leaving the Allianz Arena on Tuesday evening when a colleague called out to us. “Don’t you think he’s abusing Joachim Löw a little?” “. Us: “Why, what did he say? “.

Ah yes, a little clarification all the same: with the “Aliexpressesque” quality of the videoconferencing software chosen by UEFA for this Covid Euro, you have to hang on to get to hear what the coaches are saying at a press conference of post-game. So we missed the German boss’s declassions. A turn on Google later and we suddenly understand the meaning of the comrade’s question.

We listen to Löw: “It was a terribly intense match [bon, jusque-là ça va], we gave everything to the end [ok, on enchaîne], but an own goal decided the result [WHAAAAAT ???] “. To believe the one who has just spent almost fifteen years at the head of the Nationalmannschaft, France-Germany on Tuesday evening and the victory of the Blues would therefore only be the result of a dice that fell on the right side for the French. Therefore, two hypotheses: either the friend Löw is fueled by the pure, or we absolutely no longer know how to analyze a football match which has just taken place before our eyes.

Because, if the score of 1-0 could indeed make think that it was played for nothing, the reality on the ground is light years away from this observation. Of course Germany won the battle for possession, but apart from Gnabry’s volley in the wake of Rabiot’s post, no matter how hard we look, we do not find any trace of the slightest danger on the goals of Hugo Lloris.

Did we see the same match, Toni Kroos?

Still, for Bayern midfielder Joshua Kimmich, Germany “wasn’t the worst team” on Tuesday night. “We dominated and we take a very unfortunate goal. On both sides there were relatively few scoring chances. A point would have been deserved, ”he continued, most stoically.

And Pogba’s header above the bar on a corner at the very start of the match? And the strike from Mbappé which forced Neuer to push back fists? What about Rabiot’s post? And the flagrant peno forgotten by the VAR on the number 10 tricolor? Not to mention the two goals scored against and refused (rightly so) for an offside of a few millimeters. Blank for Toni Kroos, who maintained keenly that his team had “no fewer chances than the French”.

Sleep peacefully, Belgian friends

Out of curiosity, and also a little because we are sure of our fact, we will make a point of taking to the streets of Munich in the coming days to find out if the supporters are of the same opinion as the ostriches of the Mannschaft. Until then, Belgian friends, sleep easy, we won’t bother you for a while, you clearly don’t play in the category of your German neighbors.

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