“We children from Bahnhof Zoo”: What is Christiane F. doing today?

You can see in the video: “We children from Bahnhof Zoo” – What happened to Christiane F.?

In 1981 Natja Brunckhorst played Christiane F.
But what became of the real Christiane?
Today Christiane Felscherinow is 58 years old and looks back on a life full of ups and downs.
In 1978 her bestseller “Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo” appeared. The book was number 1 on the Spiegel bestseller list for 95 weeks. And Christiane Felscherinow became a symbol of drug culture. Around five million Germans saw the film in 1981.
Christiane F. comes from Hamburg. Was able to break free from drugs later.
The author later relapsed, losing custody of her son, who was born in 1996, in 2008.
In 2013 her autobiography “Christiane F. – My Second Life” was published.
In 2014 Christiane Felscherinow withdrew from the public for health reasons.

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