“We attack our language” … The defenders of Breton will give voice

Illustration of a rally for the reunification of Brittany in 2014 in Nantes. – AFP

  • A large rally in defense of the Breton language is organized this Saturday in Guingamp.
  • Last week, the Constitutional Council revoked two articles of the Molac Law on regional languages.
  • Following this decision, the Diwan network, which offers immersive teaching in Breton, finds itself in a legal limbo.

“An holl e Gwengamp! “(” Everyone to Guingamp! “) This Saturday, the stronghold of En Avant will transform for a day into the capital of Brittany. At the call of many collectives and political parties, the defenders of Breton will mobilize to defend their language and more generally their culture. The event was announced on May 18 to celebrate the arrival of the Redadeg, a relay race to promote the Breton language. But three days later, the case took a whole different turn.

Last Friday, the Constitutional Council indeed censored two articles of the Molac law on regional languages, which had been adopted by a large majority on April 8 in the National Assembly. Two weeks later, about sixty majority deputies seized the Constitutional Council to give its opinion on the text. After examination, the Wise Men therefore decided by retoking Articles 4 and 9 of the law which respectively authorized the immersive teaching of regional languages ​​as well as the use of diacritics, such as the tilde, in civil status documents.

The Diwan network “in a legal limbo”

In one month, the euphoria aroused by the adoption of the Molac law has therefore given way to incomprehension and anger among Breton speakers. “We are clearly attacking our language with this decision while we were delighted with the tremendous progress offered by this law”, denounces Fañch from the Ai’ta collective! The censorship by the wise men of the two articles has also sparked a general outcry in the region, including within the political class. “Once again, regional languages ​​are scary,” reacted the socialist president of the region Loïg Chesnais-Girard.

Particularly targeted by the deletion of article 4, the Diwan network, which offers immersive teaching in Breton to 4,100 students in the region, is also struggling to take it. “We now find ourselves in a legal limbo, not yet knowing what the consequences will be,” said Yann Uguen, president of Diwan. This also calls into question our method, which has yet proved its worth and is the most effective for learning a language ”.

Emmanuel Macron defends immersive education

In the midst of controversy, President Emmanuel Macron also defended on Wednesday immersive teaching in regional languages ​​”that nothing can hinder”, also indicating that he “asked the Government and Parliament to find the means to guarantee their transmission”. But not enough to reassure the defenders of the Breton language. “It’s all about communication!” gets angry Fañch. What we expect from the state is that it allows us to transmit our language and not that it kills it ”.

Yann Uguen is also very suspicious after the president’s message posted on facebook. “We do want speeches of love, but above all we want acts,” he assures us. In any case, that will not prevent us from pursuing our mission with firmness and determination ”.



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