“We are relieved”, reacts Sodicars after the seizure of the anti-terrorism prosecution

It is a most important decision. This Tuesday evening, the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) decided to open a preliminary investigation for “attempted assassinations in connection with a terrorist enterprise”, after “the explosion which hit the vehicle occupied by a crew of five French “. Investigations into this explosion on December 30 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which seriously injured the driver of the car. [Philippe Boutron] », Are entrusted to
the internal security department (DGSI).

This decision was taken after several days since the pilot’s team, Sodicars Racing, and the survivors of the explosion denounce “a bomb attack”, while the Saudi authorities speak of an accident. The opening of this investigation is therefore a strong sign for Marie-France Estenave, in charge of communication for the Gironde team. For 20 minutes, it also reviews the latest information on the state of health of its troops and the investigation.

How do you react to the opening of this investigation?

We are above all relieved! Relieved for families, for the company. We were very worried. We were even convinced that the case was going to be buried. Things had to move quickly. There, we are a little reassured by this decision. I think the media pressure played and I’m glad we were finally heard.

You hope to have answers to your questions soon …

Yes it’s important. Mayeul Barbet [le copilote] will be heard from this Thursday by the DGSI in Lyon at his home. The rest of the survivors who are still there and continue the race have received documents in recent hours and must return them as quickly as possible to the DGSI. I have also been contacted by ASO [l’organisateur de la course], he wanted to recover all the videos and photos of the explosion but we have already sent everything to the investigators. Our position is still the same, it is an attack. Afterwards, was it the Dakar that was targeted? France ? We do not know. But we do not believe in the internal track in the race, nobody held a grudge against us for anything before this tragedy.

What is Philippe Boutron’s state of health?

He is still hospitalized at the Clamart hospital. He was repatriated on Monday. Since Sunday, he has been in an artificial coma to relieve him of his leg injuries [brûlures et plaies ouvertes]. He has already undergone several operations there. He must undergo a new one today to remove residue from the explosion. For the moment, we do not have more information on a risk of amputation. His wife is by his side and his relatives. Mayeul [Barbet] he also came home. He is at home but he remains very shocked by what happened.

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