Water toys – Dachau – SZ.de

You can’t even go for a walk without thinking about the topic of energy. If such a pretty water wheel appeared earlier, like here on the Mühlkanal in Dachau, you might have thought of a children’s song like “The mill rattles by the rushing stream”. Today, on the other hand: will it be used to generate energy? And if not, could it be used? Electricity generation from hydropower does not play such a huge role in the Dachau region. Only six percent of the electricity is generated with the power of flowing water, at least that’s what the Bavarian Energy Atlas says. Nevertheless, there are already hydroelectric power plants everywhere, where it is technically and ecologically feasible. Including two that are operated by the Dachauer Stadtwerke. There, the curious and energy-sensitive walker finally asks what the water wheel in the Mühlbach is for. The answer: It is probably a “toy”. Because it is an “undershot water wheel” that is not connected to anything on its shaft. In this way, the mechanical energy is no longer used. And that in these times.

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