Watch out for video of this dilapidated and cracked stadium believed to be in Qatar

Will the stadiums built for the World Cup in Qatar give way under our feet? So claims a video that has gone viral on Facebook where she was, at the time of writing this Thursday, shared more than 2,500 times.

It shows a man standing in the stands of a stadium and filming a massive crack in the floor of the stands. In the images, the ground is shaking and seems ready to collapse. The rest of the video focuses on the fans singing fervently, unconcerned about a possible meltdown.

According to the account that relays the video, it was shot during the World Cup which is currently taking place in Qatar. “Sorry, find a solution for this part of the stadium. It’s quite a World Cup. We must avoid the worst”, warns the post, enjoining to do what is necessary for the safety of the supporters on the spot… However, were these images really shot in Qatar? 20 minutes leads the investigation.


In the video, a first element challenges: the outfit of the supporters around the man who films the crack. Down jacket, big sweater… Despite the air conditioning problems already denounced in Qatari stadiums, it would seem strange to dress like this when the thermometer is currently showing 30°C in the country.

So where does this video actually come from? Using the Google reverse image tool, we find his trace on the Reddit forum. It was shared there almost a month ago, a few days before the start of the World Cup in Qatar. In addition, the title gives a track: it speaks of “earthquake”, earthquake in English. However, no earthquake has occurred in recent days in Doha.

Within 13,000 km

The description of the video posted on the Reddit forum also indicates its exact location: the La Bombonera stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is where the Boca Juniors club, one of the most popular in the country, is based. In the shape of a horseshoe, the stadium is recognizable by this originality that we find well in the initial video. The blue and yellow colors are also visible in the image.

In September, the Canadian site Ball curve worried about the dangerousness of the enclosure in an article. “The Boca Junior stadium is broken and it smells of disaster full nose”, alarmed the title.

The author relayed photos of some ruins of the stadium, as well as the famous video with the crack. According to him, it would be more and more inadvisable to take a walk in the stands. “If we trust the images circulating on the Web, it is only a matter of time before a disaster occurs in the 54,000-seat stadium”, presumes the latter.

In 2018, RMC also devoted an article to the reasons for the tremors felt at the Bombonera stadium. The mythical stadium would be so noisy that tremors can be heard in the stands. In 2020, the weekly France Soccer even ranked the Bombonera as the “hottest” stadium in the world for the atmosphere of its supporters.

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