Watch out for this out of context quote from Jacques Attali on vaccines

Jacques Attali struck again. At least if we are to believe the Internet users who attribute a (umpteenth) prophetic quote to the economist, writer and former adviser to François Mitterrand.

” UNBELIEVABLE ! JACQUES ATTALI DECLARES: “We could discover that the vaccines against the current pandemic were authorized too early, under political pressure, and that they have disastrous side effects” … “, are thus carried away by numerous publications relayed on social networks.

But if Jacques Attali made these remarks well, they are taken out of context … and lead to the wrong thinking, in the midst of the resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic, that such an observation on the ineffectiveness of vaccines has been recently established. An idea made all the more credible, in some, by the rare risk of myocarditis in those under 30 who have received an injection of Moderna, recently recognized by the High Authority for Health.


The economist actually wrote this sentence just a year ago, at the end of November 2020, in a LinkedIn publication titled “What can we expect from 2021?”.

He lent himself to the game of forecasts for the coming year, recognizing from the outset the difficulty of the exercise: “It was not easy, in November 2019, to predict the year 2020. And all those who risked it, rarely mentioned the risks of a pandemic, which, in one year, would infect more than 55 million people, would kill more than 1.5 million people, would cause the worst economic crisis in history human ”.

When discussing the year 2021, Jacques Attali was considering two scenarios, one optimistic, the other pessimistic. In the first case, the former advised hoped: “If the vaccines prove to be effective and without contraindications, this pandemic could be behind us by the end of next summer at the latest, giving tremendous optimism to all humanity. . “In the second, it was for a new series of crises:” Of course, the dangers which weigh on 2021 remain gigantic: one could discover that the vaccines against the current pandemic were authorized too early, under political pressure, and that ‘they have disastrous side effects, which would lead to their use being discontinued, and bring the world back to compulsory confinement, for years to come. ”

“Fortunately, this pessimistic scenario did not materialize”

The quotation taken up today, without specifying its origin, thus suggests, wrongly, that Jacques Attali has just recognized the plausibility of this catastrophic hypothesis. What the interested party formally contests with 20 minutes : “Fortunately, this pessimistic scenario did not materialize. So it has become wrong. “

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