Warning strike: majority in Germany understands – politics

According to a survey by the German Press Agency, a majority of people in Germany are sympathetic to the all-day and comprehensive traffic warning strike next Monday – however, this majority is narrow: around 55 percent of those surveyed consider the joint industrial action by the Verdi and EVG unions to be ” rather” or “fully” justified. The survey was carried out by the opinion research institute Yougov on behalf of the German Press Agency.

A good 38 percent find the action “rather not” or “not at all” justified, eight percent gave no answer. Respondents find it equally justified and unjustified to attack several modes of transport at the same time. However, only a minority is restricted by the effects: A total of 69 percent of those surveyed stated that they would probably not be affected by the warning strike. One in five stated that they felt the effects as a user of buses and trains in local and regional transport.

Seven percent were affected as long-distance travelers by train. Two percent expressed themselves as affected air travelers. According to the survey, those who now have to change their plans deal with it differently: around 28 percent now use their own car as an alternative to the means of travel actually planned. One in four of those affected would like to do without planned trips altogether. Just as many do not yet know whether and which alternatives are being used.

The Verdi union and the railway and transport union (EVG) have called for a major warning strike in the transport sector for next Monday. Long-distance, regional and S-Bahn rail traffic is on strike, as are almost all German airports and local public transport in seven federal states. Shipping is also affected, as is the motorway company.

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