Warning of severe storms in parts of Bavaria

The German Weather Service (DWD) provides information about weather conditions and also issues official severe weather warnings in emergencies. These are divided into four categories:

Level 1 (yellow): Thunderstorm: electrical discharge, also in conjunction with wind gusts from 50 km/h.

Level 2 (orange): Strong thunderstorm: associated with squalls, severe gusts of up to 104 km/h, heavy rain or hail

Level 3 (red): Severe thunderstorms: with hail, heavy rain or hurricane-like gusts up to 119 km/h, possible risk of tornadoes (red)

Level 4 (dark red): Extreme thunderstorm: with hailstorms, extremely heavy rain or extreme hurricane-like gusts from 120 km/h, possible risk of tornadoes.

Purple: Heat warning / Pink: UV warning / Green: No warning / Hatched: Advance warning

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