War: “Washington Post”: USA help Ukraine with target coordinates

“Washington Post”: US helps Ukraine with target coordinates

A missile is fired from a multiple rocket launcher during a joint Franco-US exercise at a firing range in Capu Midia on Romania’s Black Sea coast. photo

© Andreea Alexandru/AP/dpa

In the fight against the Russian war of aggression, the USA is considered an important partner for Ukraine. However, not only arms deliveries come from overseas, the USA apparently also deliver target coordinates.

According to a report, the United States is to support Ukraine in coordinating attacks against the Russian military.

In a majority of attacks using US advanced missile systems, the US or allies are said to provide or confirm coordinates of attack targets, the Washington Post said Thursday, citing unnamed Ukrainian and US sources reported. The information would be provided by the US military in Europe. The newspaper named Russian ammunition depots or barracks on Ukrainian soil as targets.

A high-ranking US official confirmed the “key role played by the US,” it said. Target acquisition assistance is therefore used to ensure accuracy and achieve maximum effectiveness with limited ammunition supplies. The US provided coordinates and precise target information solely in an advisory capacity, the newspaper quoted the US representative as saying. They would not authorize attacks in the process.

Exchange of information “optimized”

“Ukrainians are responsible for finding targets, setting priorities and ultimately deciding which ones to attack. The US does not approve targets, nor are we involved in target selection or deployment,” the Washington Post quoted as saying. a response from the Pentagon to the research. Over time, the way information was exchanged was optimized to support Ukraine’s requests and “target processes” with improved speed and on a larger scale.

The United States is considered Ukraine’s most important ally. They dispatched various large packages of weapons and ammunition in quick succession. The Americans have made various heavy weapons systems available to Kyiv or promised them, including the Himar-type multiple rocket launchers. At the end of January, after much back and forth and parallel to the German commitment to supply Leopard tanks to Kyiv, the US government also announced that it would deliver 31 M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine. According to the government, these are not expected in Ukraine for several months.


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