War photographer from Israel: “It’s about documenting history”

Ziv Koren has been photographing the Middle East conflict for more than 30 years. Now he accompanied the Israeli army to Gaza as one of the first reporters. With the star he talks about fear in the transport tank, the embarrassment in the head and images that will remain forever.

Pictures of the attacked kibbutzim in southern Israel. Pictures of funerals, hostage relatives, hospitals. Since October 7, the day of the Hamas attack, not a day has passed without Ziv Koren taking photographs. At the beginning of the week, the 53-year-old war photographer was one of the first reporters ever to accompany the Israeli army (IDF) on their way to the conflict zone for two days. “Embedment” This type of reporting is called in technical jargon because it is embedded in journalists are in the military units that accompany them.

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