War in Ukraine: Wladimir Klitschko speaks up with an appeal

Ukraine war
“This madness must be stopped now”: Wladimir Klitschko speaks up with an urgent appeal

Wladimir Klitschko, here in early February after registering for the Territorial Defense Brigades of Ukraine

© Genya Savilov / AFP

Former world boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko has reacted to the attack on Ukraine on social media and has also sharply criticized the West’s policy towards Russia and Vladimir Putin.

After Russia invaded Ukraine, former world boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko spoke out on social media. In an urgent appeal, he calls on people to support his country with protests. Under the headline “No democracy without democrats,” the 45-year-old also blames the West for the escalation of the conflict.

Klitschko sees Russians as Ukraine’s brothers

“I am writing to you from Kiev, the capital of a country at war, a country that is being attacked and invaded from all sides. It’s not ‘Ukraine’s war’, it’s Putin’s war,” Klitschko explained on Linkedin. Meticulous preparations were hidden behind the “fog of the last few weeks” to “set in motion a plan that had been worked out for months”. Now Russian President Vladimir Putin is using “war rhetoric in the purest Bolshevik tradition and is rewriting history to justify his redivision of borders.” Putin makes it clear “that he wants to destroy the Ukrainian state and the sovereignty of its people. Words are followed by missiles and tanks. Destruction and death are upon us. That’s it, blood will mix with tears.”

Putin wants to challenge the geopolitical balance across Europe, he dreams of being the defender of the Slavic peoples wherever they live, and he wants to restore a lost empire whose downfall he never accepted, Klitschko continues and warns : “This megalomania has very real repercussions. The European way of life is threatened, the freedom of peoples to make their own decisions is threatened, as is democracy.”

The Ukrainian people are strong, Klitschko writes. “And it will remain true to itself in this terrible ordeal. A people who yearn for sovereignty and peace. A people who see the Russians as their brothers. They know that they really don’t want this war.” The Ukrainians had chosen democracy. But democracy is a fragile regime. “Democracy cannot defend itself; it needs the will of the citizens, the commitment of everyone. Basically, there is no democracy without democrats.”

“Make the voice of democracy heard”

The son of a Ukrainian officer and a Ukrainian elementary school teacher also sends a message to civil society: “Here we will defend ourselves with all our might and fight for freedom and democracy,” he announces. “You too can act. Let’s not be afraid, let’s not freeze. Putin is shooting at Ukrainian cities, but he’s aiming “at our hearts and, more importantly, at our heads.” The Russian president wants doubts and cause confusion and thus generate inaction.

“You can do something by mobilizing and organizing large demonstrations,” explains Klitschko. “Make your voice heard. Make the voice of democracy heard. Say it loud and clear that international law and democracy are under attack, that war is the greatest evil and that life is sacred.”

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Klitschko sharply criticizes the West’s policy towards Russia and its President Vladimir Putin: “This war against my country is not only the result of the madness of a single man, but also the result of years of weakness in Western democracies,” criticizes the former heavyweight professional . ” This madness needs to be stopped now by stepping up deterrent measures. Our governments need to say things loud and clear. If Putin goes ahead with his regime change plan in Kyiv, then democracies around the world need to start talking about regime change in Kyiv now Moscow to think before it’s too late.”

In early February, Klitschko registered as a reservist in the Territorial Defense Brigade in Kiev in response to the Russian threat. When he sees that his country is in geopolitical difficulties, he cannot and will not stand still, he justified his step. His daughter goes to school in Kiev and parents strive to ensure their children a safe environment. “There are two options: you can run away or you can face the challenge,” Klitschko said at the time. “My choice was to face the challenge and protect the environment of my family, my friends, my relatives, my daughter.”

Klitschko’s older brother Vitali, who has been mayor of the Ukrainian capital since 2014, also assured on a talk show: “If military aggression begins, then I will take an assault rifle and go fight for Ukraine.”

Source: Wladimir Klitschko on Linkedin


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