War in Ukraine ++ Ukraine attacks Russian occupiers in the south ++

abroad war in Ukraine

Night shelling in south and east – Ukrainian forces destroy railway bridge

“No counter-offensive on the entire front. There is a lack of men, women and equipment.”

The federal government is said to have approved the sale of 100 self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine. But the approval probably only applies to the production. “The sale in the sense of export is a permit that has to be granted later,” says military expert Prof. Carlo Masala.

The Ukrainian army continues the counter-offensive on the part of Cherson in southern Ukraine occupied by Russian troops. The Russian military meanwhile attacked several cities in Ukraine on Saturday night. An overview.

DAccording to their own statements, the Ukrainian armed forces are increasingly taking action against Russian troops in the south of the country. With the destruction of a railway bridge over the Dnipro River, the occupying forces were cut off from supplies on the railway, the Ukrainian military said on Saturday. In the region Kherson Ukrainian forces also killed more than 100 Russian soldiers and destroyed two ammunition dumps and seven tanks on Friday. According to the government in Kyiv, dozens of Russian soldiers were killed. In addition, two Russian ammunition depots were destroyed, the Ukrainian military said. Troops are now even further isolated after the train service to the Russian-controlled city across the Dnipro River was disrupted. The information cannot be independently verified. Ukraine wants to recapture the strategically important city in the south of the country.

In the past few weeks, Ukraine had already heavily damaged three bridges across the Dnipro with western weapons in order to cut off supplies to Russian troops in the city of Kherson on the western bank of the river.

In return, according to the British Ministry of Defense, Russian troops have probably managed to keep traffic flowing across the river with pontoon bridges and a ferry service. It is also to be expected that Russian authorities in occupied areas in southern Ukraine will hold referenda this year Connection to Russia prepare.

The current situation in Ukraine

Source: Infographic WORLD

Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities have reported several attacks by the Russian armed forces on Saturday night. By shelling a residential area in the south Mykolayiv one civilian was killed and six others injured, regional governor Vitali Kim said in the online service Telegram. According to the mayor of the northeastern city Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov, three S-300 rockets landed on a school there early in the morning.

Mykolayiv had been attacked almost daily in the past few weeks. On Friday, seven people were killed in an attack near a bus stop.

According to Mayor Terekhov, the fire brigade in Kharkiv extinguished the fire in the school caused by the rocket fire. He initially gave no information on possible deaths or injuries. According to the governor of the Kharkiv region, Oleg Sinegubov, at least five rockets hit the city on Saturday night.

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In the fiercely contested Donetsk region in the east of the country, the Russian troops had a bus station in early Saturday morning Sloviansk shot at. So nobody was injured. According to Ukrainian sources, six civilians were killed and 15 injured in the region on Friday.

US envoy: Russia wants to wipe Ukraine off the map

According to American estimates, Russia wants to erase Ukraine from the world map. The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told the Security Council on Friday that there should be no more doubts about this intention.

The United States is seeing increasing signs that Russia is invading the eastern Ukrainian regions Donetsk and Luhansk as well as the southern regions of Kherson and Zaporizhia, Thomas-Greenfield said. This should be done, among other things, by appointing illegitimate proxies in the areas controlled by Russia. The aim is to hold sham referendums or decrees to join Russia. The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov officially named this war goal, the UN ambassador explained.

Lavrov told an Arab summit in Cairo last Sunday that Moscow’s overriding goal in Ukraine is to rid the people of their “unacceptable regime.” He indicated that Russia’s intention goes beyond the Donbass in the east.

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Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (left);  WELT author Jacques Schuster

Russia’s deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, told the Security Council on Friday that “the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine is being carried out in full.” “From this stage, there must be no more threats to Donbass, to Russia and to the liberated Ukrainian territories, where for the first time in several years people feel that they can live as they want,” he said he.

US Ambassador to the UN Thomas Greenfield criticized governments that called for diplomacy: “Let us be clear: Russia’s continued actions are the obstacle to a solution to this crisis.” She did not name any specific countries, but a significant number of states in Africa, Asia and the Middle East follow this approach.

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