War in Ukraine: "task of the entire democratic world": Selenskyj asks for help with reconstruction

Ukraine promises recapture of Lysychansk +++ Investors discuss reconstruction of Ukraine in Lugano +++ The news about Russia’s war in Ukraine in star-Ticker.

Russia has achieved another strategic goal: after weeks of defensive fighting, the Ukrainian army announced on Sunday evening that it was withdrawing from the city of Lysychansk in the Luhansk region. The Russian occupying forces have multiple superiorities, the General Staff said in Kyiv. A further defense would therefore have “fatal consequences”. Russia had previously reported that it had taken the big city.

Delegations from almost 40 countries will discuss the reconstruction of Ukraine on Monday and Tuesday in Lugano, Switzerland. At the conference, a kind of Marshall plan for the war-torn country is to be drawn up. Among other things, the meeting is intended to give the government in Kyiv the opportunity to present its recovery plan and to discuss it with the allies.

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