War in Ukraine: Speculations: Belarus could join the war

war in Ukraine
Speculation: Belarus could get involved in the war

Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin (r) with Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, at a joint press conference. Photo: Sergei Guneyev/Pool Sputnik Kremlin/AP/dpa

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According to information from an NGO that cannot be independently verified, Belarusian paratroopers are scheduled to fly to Ukraine in the early morning.

According to speculation on Monday morning, Belarus could officially get involved with soldiers in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Belarusian paratroopers are said to have been ordered to fly to Ukraine at 5 a.m., writes the Ukrainian agency Unian. She relies on information from Andrei Strischak from the non-governmental organization Bysol (Belarus Solidarity Foundation), which works for those affected by political repression in Belarus. This information could not be independently verified.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko had assured on Sunday that he did not want to intervene in the war. Talks between Ukraine and Russia on a possible peace settlement are scheduled to begin on Monday morning at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.


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