War in Ukraine: Refugees in Germany need to know that

Ukraine war
How Ukraine refugees are now being helped in Germany

In the Berlin City Mission tent, refugees receive food and tips on how to continue their journey. Refugee aid is currently being massively expanded throughout Germany

© Joerg Carstensen / DPA

Every day more refugees from Ukraine arrive in Germany, most of them in Berlin. In many places work is being done to organize accommodation and help. The most important questions and answers.

According to its own statements, the federal government was surprised by the large number of refugees from Ukraine. At least 147,000 people came by Monday. In many places work is currently being done to organize accommodation and help for those who have fled. Questions and answers:

How many refugees arrived?

The Federal Ministry of the Interior gave the number of registered refugees on Monday as 146,998. In fact, the number is likely to be much higher. Ukrainian citizens can enter the European Union without a visa and move freely within the Schengen area. In Germany, Berlin is the main destination of the refugees. According to Social Senator Katja Kipping (left), Berlin registers as many refugees every day as all other federal states combined.

How can people be accommodated?

The structures for accommodation are currently being ramped up massively across Germany – in Berlin, for example, at the former Tegel Airport and in the old terminal of Schönefeld Airport or in the exhibition halls. Other cities also use exhibition halls, gymnasiums or schools.

Where do refugees find accommodation?

In addition to state accommodation, there is currently a great deal of solidarity from private housing providers. Apartments can be offered and searched for on the websites www.wohnung-ukraine.de and airbnb.org. On Monday alone, over 143,000 providers registered more than 327,000 beds for free overnight stays at www.wohnung-ukraine.de alone.

What is the difference between registered and unregistered refugees?

Ukrainians can stay legally in Germany for 90 days without registering. However, registering as a war refugee has the advantage that you are entitled to social benefits – such as financial support, medical help or accommodation.

In return, however, those affected must then also comply with the distribution organized by the state. According to the so-called Königstein key, the German authorities determine in which federal state someone is housed. Berlin, for example, would only be responsible for five percent of the refugees and would thus be relieved in the foreseeable future.

What rights do Ukrainian refugees have in Germany?

Registered refugees also have tangible concrete rights thanks to the mass influx directive activated by the EU. They can be employed or self-employed, attend schools and universities, and are entitled to housing and state support.

How can refugees get information?

In addition to the media and the Internet, the federal government is working on an app that is intended to make orientation in Germany easier. The planned “Germany for Ukraine” platform is intended to provide an overview of aid measures and will be completed in the coming days.

Who bears the costs for refugee aid?

The cost issue is currently unresolved. There is growing pressure from the federal states to find a solution for the costs that are currently being borne by the municipalities and states. This will be discussed at the prime ministers’ conference on Thursday.

There are two opposing models – either assistance under Hartz IV or under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. While the federal government bears most of the costs for Hartz IV, the states themselves are responsible for assistance from the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.

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Can refugees find work in Germany?

The Federal Employment Agency currently considers the labor market to be receptive to refugees from Ukraine. Most recently, the labor market had largely processed the consequences of the corona pandemic, with a good 2.4 million people unemployed in February.

According to labor market experts, a large proportion of the refugees are well qualified. Since there is a shortage of skilled workers in many sectors, there are opportunities here. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) has already announced that he will open up the labor market to Ukrainians and offer them opportunities to learn German quickly.

Ralf Isermann/kng

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