War in Ukraine: CSU General Secretary Mayer: check the assets of oligarchs

war in Ukraine
CSU General Secretary Mayer: Check the assets of oligarchs

Stephan Mayer: Everything has to be in accordance with the law. Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

With Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the oligarchs have also increasingly become the focus of public attention. Besides sanctions – what other options are there?

In addition to freezing the assets of Russian oligarchs in Germany, CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer also considers the further confiscation of these assets to be an option.

“In the last two legislative periods, we have made some things legally easier when it comes to confiscating criminally acquired assets if there are indications,” Mayer told the German Press Agency in Munich.

“I have a lot of understanding for the emotional demand to say: Anyone who has become big and exorbitantly rich with and through Putin must now be asked to pay,” said the CSU politician. “But it has to be in accordance with the law. Despite all the emotionality, we can’t go any other way with Russian oligarchs,” emphasized Mayer. “If it’s legally possible, I’m the last person who wouldn’t advocate it.”

Mayer also called on Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to speak more clearly in view of the war in Ukraine: “I would expect the Chancellor to speak more clearly and more strongly about Germany’s role and its international responsibility.”

In the speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj in the Bundestag last week, Scholz failed to give a direct answer. “Many Germans are irritated by the fact that the Chancellor remained silent and did not react,” said Mayer. “Many in Germany would like him to express himself much more strongly.”


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