War in Ukraine: According to military chief, thousands of Ukrainians are returning from abroad – at least 20 bodies discovered in Kiev suburb after Russian withdrawal

The Ukrainians continue to fight the invading Russians. According to a Ukrainian commander, you have air sovereignty. People are to be evacuated from Mariupol on Saturday. The most important developments in star-Live blog.

The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has been going on for five and a half weeks. Although Moscow had announced that it was concentrating on “liberating” the Donbass, large cities across the country had been attacked in the past few hours. Commander Mykola Oleshchuk announced that Russia had failed to gain air supremacy over Ukraine.

At the same time, President Zelenskyy warned Ukrainians against accepting posts for the enemy. In the Russian-controlled areas in the south, there are attempts to set up administrations loyal to Moscow.

The most important things at a glance:

  • Russia strengthened according to information from Kyiv Attacks on eastern Ukraine
  • faster rUS retreat in the north apparently continues
  • pope is considering a trip to Kyiv
  • again evacuation attempt for Mariupol
  • riot to allegedly defected mayor
  • US want Ukraine more $300 million worth of weapons deliver

Read all the developments of the day in our live blog here.

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