War in Ukraine: 100 empty baby carriages in protest against Russia (video)

Watch the video: Silent protest against Russian occupiers – Lviv’s 100 empty prams.

STORY: Quiet protest in Lviv: More than 100 empty prams symbolized the many children killed by the Russian attack on Ukraine on Friday. The “Price of War” campaign was organized by local activists and authorities. Zhuravka Natalia Tonkovyt addressed Russian mothers: “Remember when your child was little and sat in a wagon like this. These strollers are for children who come from the dangerous areas. Some won’t make it here. They won’t get in sit in the car, because they are dead. Think of your children, remember how you felt back then. I wish that all children could sit in a car like this, nobody should be left empty.” Russia continued its attacks on Ukrainian cities on Saturday. The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than three weeks.

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