War in the Middle East: UN Security Council suspends meeting for further discussions

UN chief Guterres sees the Middle East “on the brink of the abyss.” And Chancellor Scholz is planning a trip to Israel. The reactions of international politics to the war in the Middle East.

Ahead of the Security Council’s highly anticipated votes on two competing resolutions on de-escalation in the Middle East, the body has suspended its meeting. At the request of the United Arab Emirates, the 15 council members withdrew for closed-door consultations. Diplomatic circles said that some countries still needed to discuss the Brazilian proposal.

The most powerful UN body in New York wants to vote this evening (local time) on a Brazilian draft resolution to curb the escalation of violence in the Middle East.

It is likely that a competing Russian text will also be put to the vote. The drafts are available to the German Press Agency. In its draft, Brazil, which currently chairs the UN Security Council, demands, in addition to humanitarian access, that Israel reverse its request to evacuate the civilian population from the northern Gaza Strip. However, the country is not directly mentioned in this context. The paper thus follows statements from the UN, which described an evacuation of over a million people in the densely populated coastal area within 24 hours as impossible and warned of a humanitarian disaster.

Acceptance of drafts unlikely

The Brazilian draft also condemns the Hamas attack on Israel as a “heinous attack.” It is emphasized that both parties to the conflict must adhere to international law. United Nations buildings and institutions must be protected. Brazil adjusted the text again on Monday night following requests for changes from Great Britain, France and the United Arab Emirates.

Russia had also previously sought a vote on its own resolution on Monday evening. The Russian text calls, among other things, for a “humanitarian ceasefire” and the release of the Israeli hostages. However, the terrorist attack is not directly condemned.

While the Russian text is not given any chance, the adoption of the Brazilian draft is also considered unlikely. In the past, the USA had protected its ally Israel from unpleasant resolutions with its right of veto. An acceptance requires at least nine yes votes from the 15 members, and there may be no veto. In addition to the USA, Russia, China, France and Great Britain have veto rights.

The UN Security Council votes are increasing pressure, especially on Israel, which appears to be on the verge of a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip. Resolutions of the UN body are binding under international law.

Biden: Occupation would be a “big mistake”

US President Joe Biden would consider it a “big mistake” if Israel were to reoccupy the Gaza Strip. “The extreme elements of Hamas do not represent the entire Palestinian people. And I think it would be a mistake for Israel to reoccupy Gaza,” Biden said in an interview on the CBS news program “60 Minutes.”

In response to moderator Scott Pelley’s question about whether the US President would support an occupation of Gaza at this point, Biden even spoke of a “big mistake.”

However, he continued, “going in and eliminating the extremists” was necessary. He assumes that Israel adheres to the applicable laws of war and standards such as allowing innocent people in Gaza access to medical care, food and water.

UN chief Guterres: Middle East “on the edge of the abyss”

Faced with a Middle East “on the brink of the abyss,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urgently called for the immediate release of hostages kidnapped by the Islamist Hamas and rapid humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. “Each of these two goals is legitimate,” Guterres said, according to the statement. “They should not become bargaining chips and they must be implemented because it is the right thing to do.”

In Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the West Bank, among other places, the United Nations has stored food, water, medicine, fuel and other things that could be delivered to people in need in Gaza within hours – if safe access was granted.

Abbas: Hamas does not represent the people

According to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Hamas’ actions and policies do not represent the Palestinian people. He rejects the killing of civilians on both sides, emphasized Abbas, who heads the autonomous authority in the West Bank, in a telephone conversation with Venezuelan head of state Nicolás Maduro, as the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported. Abbas called on everyone involved to release prisoners.

Meanwhile, Jordanian King Abdullah II called for an end to the Gaza conflict during a visit to London. A meeting with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Sunday evening was about how an escalation in the wider region could be prevented, it was said from the British government headquarters at 10 Downing Street. The two also agreed that it was important to protect civilians in Gaza, “including British and Jordanian citizens caught between the fronts.” It was also said that it must be ensured that humanitarian aid reaches those in need.

Scholz is planning a trip to Israel

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is traveling to Israel on Tuesday. The German Press Agency found out about this after the “Bild” newspaper had previously reported on it. There was initially no official confirmation from the Chancellery. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) had already traveled to Israel on Friday for a solidarity visit.

Scholz will first meet the Jordanian King Abdullah II in Berlin on Tuesday morning and then set off for Israel. Then we continue to Egypt. Scholz had already spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu twice on the phone in the past few days. He also spoke to the heads of state of Qatar, Egypt and Turkey. This also involved freeing the hostages.

Concern about expanding the conflict

French President Emmanuel Macron warned Iran against escalation and expansion of the conflict, especially in Lebanon. Given Iran’s close ties to the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the leadership in Tehran bears responsibility, Macron said in a phone call with Iranian President Ebrahim Raissi. He called on him to do everything possible to prevent a regional conflagration. Hezbollah, which is financed by Iran, is considered to be much more powerful than Hamas.


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