War in the Middle East: Air strike in Damascus – Fighting continues in the Gaza Strip

War in the Middle East
Air strike in Damascus – Fighting continues in the Gaza Strip

Fierce fighting continues between Israeli forces and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. photo

© Mohammed Dahman/AP/dpa

An air strike in Damascus fuels concerns about an expansion of the Middle East conflict. Fighting continues in the Gaza Strip – the number of dead and injured is rising. The overview.

In an airstrike in the Syrian capital According to Iranian sources, several members of the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) were killed in Damascus. This was reported by the state broadcaster. The channel’s Arabic department reported that two senior advisers were among the dead. State television blamed Israel for the attack.

According to information from the Iranian Mehr news agency, the Iranians were officers of the IRGC intelligence service. A person responsible, his deputy and two other men are said to have died in the attack. According to the Tasnim news agency, which is considered the mouthpiece of the IRGC, at least eight people were killed.

The Israeli Air Force has repeatedly attacked targets in neighboring Syria in the past to prevent Israel’s arch-enemy Iran and its allied militias from expanding their military influence there.

There are many reasons for growing concern about escalation

Since the Gaza war broke out, the situation in the Middle East has been extremely tense. On the border between Lebanon and Israel, the Iranian-allied Shiite militia Hezbollah and the Israeli army are firing at each other – including on Saturday. A car was hit by a rocket in southern Lebanon, according to Lebanese security sources. Two of the inmates were killed. It was initially unclear who the attack was aimed at. The Israeli army declined to comment on the report.

Amid the tension, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards fired rockets from their own territory into Iraq, Syria and Pakistan for the first time since the start of the war a few days ago in retaliation for terrorist attacks and the killing of a general in Syria.

At the end of December, Iranian General Sejed-Rasi Mousavi, a senior member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), was killed in a suspected Israeli airstrike in a suburb of the Syrian capital Damascus.

US military: renewed attack on Houthi militia

According to their own statements, US forces again destroyed an anti-ship missile belonging to the Yemeni Houthi militia. The responsible regional command of the US military announced on the platform The operation took place early on Saturday morning (local time).

Since the beginning of the Gaza war between Israel and the Islamist Hamas, the Houthi militia has repeatedly attacked freighters with alleged Israeli connections in the Red Sea. In response, the USA and Great Britain, with the support of allies, carried out a comprehensive military strike against the Houthis on the night of January 12th. Since then, the US military has continued to attack Houthi positions in Yemen. In return, the militant Islamist group continues to attack ships in the Red Sea.

Israel’s military: rocket workshops found and destroyed in Gaza

In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military says it has discovered and destroyed a large number of workshops for building rockets. While searching areas in the Seitoun district of Gaza city, the military also came across rocket launchers, explosive devices, machinery and chemicals, the armed forces said.

The material found would have been enough to produce 800 rockets, the statement continued. The workshops were designed so that each of them only produced rocket components. Hamas spread the rocket factories across the area to make it more difficult to detect and combat them.

Almost 25,000 dead according to Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip

Since the start of the war, 24,927 people have been killed and 62,388 injured in the coastal strip. This was reported by the Hamas-controlled health authority. The humanitarian situation of the population remains catastrophic due to the fighting, great destruction and inadequate supplies, as the UN emergency relief office OCHA announced on Platform X on Saturday night. Many of the approximately 1.7 million internally displaced people endured under plastic sheets. Diarrheal diseases spread due to poor hygiene. There are also reports of cases of hepatitis A.

The Israeli army said an unspecified number of terrorists were killed and weapons destroyed in fighting in various parts of the Gaza Strip. According to Israeli media, 194 soldiers have died on the Israeli side since the ground offensive began at the end of October.

Revolutionary Guards put satellites into orbit

Iran says it has launched a satellite into orbit. A launch vehicle from the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) brought the communications satellite named “Soraja” to an altitude of 750 kilometers on behalf of the Ministry of Information, state radio reported. The Islamic Republic has already launched several satellites into space to collect data on weather, natural disasters and agriculture. In the past, the country emphasized that it would not pursue military goals.

The USA and Israel, on the other hand, accuse Tehran of using the space program to test the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Tehran rejects this.


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