“War crime”, “hostage” taking… kyiv cereals, an essential issue

Did you miss the latest events on the tensions in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes updates you every night at 7:30 p.m. Who did what? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the members of the African Union by videoconference on Monday. The Ukrainian president estimated that the world food crisis would last “as long as this colonial war continues”, regretting that Africa is “the hostage of those who started this war against our State”.

“Difficult negotiations” are underway to unblock Ukrainian ports, where millions of tonnes of grain cannot currently be exported to Africa due to the blockade of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. However, “there is no progress yet”, he regretted, judging that the Russians are “deliberately aggravating” the world food crisis.

sentence of the day

Russia must stop playing games with world hunger. »

This is a statement by French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna. For his part, the head of European diplomacy, the Spaniard Josep Borrell, accused Russia of committing a “true war crime” by blocking Ukrainian grain exports at the risk of aggravating famine in the world.

The number of the day

3. That’s the number of drilling rigs at an oil and gas complex off the coast of Crimea that Russia accuses Ukraine of hitting on Monday. According to Moscow, a total of 109 people were on these platforms and only 21 of them were evacuated. Russia retains control of this area of ​​the Black Sea, which has the effect of preventing the export by cargo ships of millions of tonnes of cereals, of which Ukraine is one of the world’s main producers.

The trend of the day

Food safety and Ukrainian cereals are on everyone’s lips this week. The German government is organizing an international conference in Berlin on Friday on the food crisis linked to the war in Ukraine, in the presence in particular of the head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken, the German executive announced on Monday.

Entitled “Unite for global food security”, the conference will focus on global food shortages caused by war, detailed a spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture during a regular press briefing.

The conference will aim in particular to “stabilize food supplies in the world”, for her part specified the head of German diplomacy, Annalena Baerbock. A new initiative to try to contain the effects of the war in Ukraine on food insecurity around the globe.

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