War against Ukraine: ++ Tenants’ Association calls for a moratorium on evictions ++

In view of the rising energy prices, the Tenants’ Association advocates protecting tenants from imminent termination due to payment difficulties. The Federal Network Agency urges people to save energy. All developments in the live blog.

1:44 am

Demand for further relief due to rising prices

Due to rising energy prices, the President of the German Tenant Association, Lukas Siebenkotten, in favor of protecting tenants from possible termination. “We are calling for a termination moratorium that ensures that no one can be dismissed who cannot pay their utility bills on time due to sharply increased heating costs,” Siebenkotten told the newspapers of the editorial network Germany.

The Greens member of the Bundestag and former Ver.di boss Frank Bsirske also pushed for further relief, “focused on lower and middle incomes because they are most affected by price developments”. He suggested capping gas prices “to cover basic needs.” In addition, consumption could be controlled at the same time. “So there would be an ecological steering effect,” says Bsirske.

1:30 a.m

Great Britain offers support for demining

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has signaled his country’s willingness to help clear sea mines off the coast of Ukraine. Johnson did not give details of any steps and measures in an interview with the Reuters news agency. However, he assured that his government is talking to Ukraine “on a technical level” to “help with demining near Odessa”.

1:10 a.m

Majority advocates longer AKW maturities

In view of the growing concern about an ever-increasing shortage of gas supplies, the majority of Germans in the ARD Germany trend to keep nuclear power plants in operation longer and to reactivate coal-fired power plants.

1:49 a.m

Federal Network Agency is pushing for energy saving

In the ZDF program “Maybrit Illner”, the head of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, once again urgently called for energy to be saved if possible. The background is the alarm level of the gas emergency plan declared by Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck.

Müller warned of the consequences if the third and final stage of this emergency plan had to be called. Then industrial companies would be dependent on the allocation of gas by the Federal Network Agency. The consequences for companies would be “terrible and drastic,” warned the agency’s president. Saving energy can help to prevent this from happening in the first place.

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