War against Ukraine: ++ Sieverodonetsk largely in Russian hands ++

According to the governor of the Luhansk region, the city of Sevierodonetsk is largely in Russian hands. According to a US media report, OPEC is considering excluding Russia from an oil production agreement. All developments in the live blog.

2:26 a.m

Governor: Sieverodonetsk mostly in Russian hands

Russian assault forces have taken control of most of the eastern Ukrainian city of Sieverodonetsk. This was announced by the governor of the Luhansk region, Serhiy Hajday, via a messaging service in the evening. Ukrainian troops continued to fight bitter street battles with Russian troops, the city has not yet surrendered. Sieverodonetsk is of great strategic importance, making it a key target of the Russian offensive in the Donbass industrial zone, which includes Luhansk and the neighboring Donetsk region.

According to Ukrainian sources, the area is constantly being shelled by Russian troops. Regional governor Hajday said earlier that a tank of nitric acid leaked in a chemical plant during a Russian airstrike on Sieverodonetsk. Toxic fumes escaped. Hajdaj urged local residents not to leave their homes, wear gas masks or contact S

conflicting parties as a source

Information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body in the current situation.

2:26 a.m

“Wall Street Journal”: OPEC considers excluding Russia from oil production agreement

According to a media report, some members of the OPEC oil cartel are considering excluding Russia from an oil production agreement. The background to the considerations is that the Western sanctions are affecting the country’s ability to produce more crude oil, reports the Wall Street Journal, citing OPEC circles. If Russia were excluded, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other OPEC member countries could produce more to meet production targets. According to an earlier assessment by an expert, this could mean the end for OPEC+, which includes other producing countries such as Russia in addition to the members of the export cartel.

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