War against Ukraine: + Russian advance on Sloviansk slowed down +

live blog

Status: 07.07.2022 07:30 a.m

According to Ukrainian information, the Russian advance on Sloviansk was repulsed for the time being. President Zelensky blames Russia for rocket attack on Kharkiv Pedagogical University. All developments in the live blog.

7:30 a.m

New Zealand calls for reform of UN Security Council

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has accused the UN Security Council of failing to respond to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Ardern said in a speech in Sydney that the Security Council’s failings in dealing with the Russian invasion of Ukraine are due to the fact that Russia has a veto right in the body.

Russia is using its position on the Security Council to represent a “morally bankrupt position in the wake of a morally bankrupt and illegal war,” New Zealand’s Prime Minister said. New Zealand will work to reform the highest UN body to prevent its values ​​and relevance from falling. Russia must be held accountable for its invasion of Ukraine, Ardern demanded.

06:51 a.m

Selenskyj praises Western arms deliveries

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has vowed western arms supplies for the Ukrainian army as enormous support in the war against Russia. For example, the artillery that Ukraine has received from its partners has great accuracy, he said in a video message. The Ukrainian army is destroying depots and other targets that are important for Russian logistics. This significantly reduces the offensive potential of the Russian army. Occupier casualties would increase with each passing week.

6:50 a.m

Russian comedians work for Gazprom subsidiary

“We work for Rutube and are Rutube ambassadors. So we get our money from there.” The two Russian comedians, who posed as Vitali Klitschko in video calls with various European politicians, work for a subsidiary of the Russian Gazprom group. Rutube is the Russian copy of YouTube and a subsidiary of Gazprom Media, which is owned by the state-owned Gazprom concern.

06:49 a.m

Ukraine speaks of rocket attack on university

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russia of a rocket attack on the pedagogical university in Kharkiv, the second largest city. This illustrates once again the brutality of the Russian invasion. Only an “enemy of civilization and humanity” could fire rockets at a pedagogical university. No occupier will get away with it unpunished, Zelenskyy asserted.

Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine is the country’s second largest city. A stone’s throw from the border with Russia, Kharkiv is still under Ukrainian control but could soon become a target for Russian troops, observers say.

06:51 a.m

Ukraine: Russian advance on Sloviansk slowed down

The Ukrainian army has reported a partial success in the fighting in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk. The Ukrainian general staff said in its situation report that the defense troops had repelled the advance of Russian units on the city of Sloviansk. Donetsk is part of the important Donbass industrial area, which Russian troops want to take over completely. Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin said at the beginning of the week that Luhansk, the other province in the Donbass, is completely under Russian control.

conflicting parties as a source

Information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body in the current situation.

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