War against Ukraine: ++ Russia reports explosions in Belgorod ++

live blog

Status: 07/03/2022 05:39 a.m

The governor of the region reports that at least three people have died and houses destroyed by explosions in Belgorod. Before a meeting of potential donor countries, Ukrainian President Zelenskyj asks for help with reconstruction. All developments on the Ukraine war in the live blog.

5:39 a.m

Russia reports explosions in Belgorod

There have been several explosions in the Russian city of Belgorad near the Ukrainian border, according to regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov. On the news app Telegram, he announced that at least three people had been killed. Several houses are said to have been destroyed or damaged. He also reported a fire in a residential building.

“The reasons for the incident are currently being investigated,” writes Gladkow. “The air defense system probably worked.” The authorities of southern Russian regions have repeatedly reported incidents in the past, which they say were attacks from Ukraine.

conflicting parties as a source

Information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body in the current situation.

5:02 a.m

Selenskyj calls for international aid for reconstruction

After more than four months of war, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for international help to rebuild his country. It is necessary not only to repair everything that the occupiers destroyed, but also to create a new basis for our lives: safe, modern, comfortable, barrier-free,” he said in a speech. This will require “huge investments, billions, new technologies, best practices, new institutions and of course reforms”.

In this context, the Ukrainian head of state also referred to a meeting of 40 potential donor countries on Monday in Lugano, Switzerland. At the event, the Ukrainian government wants to present its priorities for the reconstruction of the war-torn country for the first time.

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