War against Ukraine: ++ Russia demands tribunal for Ukraine ++

live blog

Status: 07/25/2022 03:05 a.m

Moscow wants to indict more than 200 Ukrainian soldiers for crimes against humanity. Foreign Minister Lavrov visits Congo and other African countries. The developments in the live blog.

3:00 a.m

Russia calls for new tribunal for Ukraine

Russia wants to indict more than 200 Ukrainian soldiers for crimes against humanity before a new international tribunal. The Russian daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta quoted Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Russian investigative committee, as saying that more than 220 people, including representatives of the high command of the Ukrainian armed forces and commanders, attacked the civilian population. The Ukrainians are involved in “crimes against the peace and security of mankind that have no statute of limitations”. Russia has indicted 92 commanders and their subordinates and put 96 other people on the wanted list. According to Russia, the tribunal is supported by countries such as Bolivia, Iran and Syria. The United States and more than 40 other countries agreed earlier this month to coordinate investigations into alleged war crimes in Ukraine.

1:43 a.m

Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov arrived in Congo for a visit

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has arrived in Congo for the second leg of his trip to Africa. His plane landed at Ollombo airport on Sunday evening, according to an AFP reporter at the scene. According to the official program, Lavrov is scheduled to meet with Head of State Denis Sassou Nguesso on Monday. Nguesso’s government in Brazzaville describes itself as “neutral” with regard to Russia’s war in Ukraine. Lavrov had previously started his trip to Africa in Egypt. In Cairo, he assured his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shukri, that Moscow was committed to restarting grain exports to Africa. Other travel destinations for the Russian chief diplomat in the coming days are Uganda and Ethiopia.

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