War against Ukraine: No rest for Kharkiv

Status: 07/02/2022 11:49 a.m

Russia is still advancing in eastern Ukraine. New attacks are being reported both from the Kharkiv area and from the Donetsk region. The Russian army is said to have used banned cluster munitions near Sloviansk.

According to information from Kyiv, Russia is continuing its attacks in several regions in eastern Ukraine. In the Kharkiv area, the Russian army is trying to recapture lost positions with artillery support, the Ukrainian general staff said. Numerous places would be shelled in order to tie down the Ukrainian army there.

A Russian attack was repelled in the Donetsk region, it said. Russian air raids were reported from the Avdiivka area.

conflicting parties as a source

Information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body in the current situation.

Russia is said to have used cluster munitions

According to Ukrainian information, Russia used internationally banned cluster munitions in rocket attacks on the city of Sloviansk in eastern Ukraine. During the night, civilian areas where there are no military installations were hit, Mayor Vadym Lyakh reported on Telegram. Four people were killed and seven people were injured.

Cluster munitions are fired at the target area with rockets, artillery shells and bombs. There, the containers burst, releasing many small explosive devices. Older cluster munitions in particular have a high dud rate. The explosive devices lying around also pose a great danger to the civilian population. The use of cluster munitions is outlawed under international law – but Russia has not signed the treaty.

Shaded in white: advance of the Russian army. Shaded in green: Russian-backed separatist areas. Crimea: annexed by Russia.

Image: ISW/07/01/2022

“Stay in the shelters!”

Explosions were also reported early in the morning from the Mykolaiv area in the south of the country. “There are powerful explosions in the city! Stay in the shelters!” Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Senkevich wrote on Telegram. The cause of the explosions is not yet known.

Snake Island bombed

According to Ukrainian sources, Russian planes dropped phosphorus bombs during an attack on Snake Island in the Black Sea. According to information on Friday evening, two Russian Su-30 fighter jets attacked. Black-and-white video footage showed two explosions on the small island.

The day before, Russia had announced its withdrawal from Snake Island, calling it a goodwill gesture. The Ukrainian military, on the other hand, said it forced the Russian soldiers to flee with artillery and rocket attacks.

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