War against Ukraine: Kremlin reports 200,000 reservists drafted

As of: 10/04/2022 5:37 p.m

The Kremlin sees the partial mobilization as a success – 200,000 men have so far been called up for military service. Kyiv again reports progress in the recapture. International experts confirm problems of the Russians.

According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, more than 200,000 Russians have already been drafted into military service. “The training takes place on 80 training sites and in six training centers,” he said in Moscow, according to his ministry. Shoigu said authorities have been instructed to provide recruits with the necessary clothing and equipment and to brief them.

According to Schoigu’s account, many volunteers have volunteered. He did not name numbers. Nobody should be rejected “unless there are serious reasons”.

Federation Council ratifies annexations

Meanwhile, after Russia’s State Duma, the Federation Council has also ratified the illegal annexations of several territories. On Friday, President Vladimir Putin signed the internationally unrecognized accession treaties with the occupiers deployed by Moscow. He still has to sign the annexation law before it comes into force.

Ukraine, meanwhile, banned negotiations with Putin. A corresponding decree by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was published on his website. This was preceded by a corresponding decision by the Security and Defense Council.

In the first weeks of the war, which has been going on since February 24 of this year, there were talks between Ukraine and Russia, mainly at negotiator level. After the increasing successes of the Ukrainian army, Kyiv has practically ruled out negotiations before the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory.

Further successes in counter-offensive according to Kyiv

Kyiv is reporting further successes in the counteroffensive: the army has recaptured five more places in southern Ukraine, wrote the head of the presidential office, Andriy Yermak, to the Telegram news service.

According to experts, the Ukrainian counter-offensive is causing enormous problems for the Russian units on several fronts. “Ukraine is dictating the pace at the moment,” a representative of Western security circles said in a briefing to journalists in London. Some Russian units are under so much pressure that they feel compelled to withdraw – sometimes against the will of the Russian leadership.

As a result, Moscow is no longer able to provide sufficient equipment and military training for a large number of recruits.

One indication is that the draft cycle is set to start a month later than usual this year, the UK Ministry of Defense daily briefing said. The annual call-up of about 120,000 conscripts in Russia differs from the ongoing partial mobilization of reservists.

conflicting parties as a source

Information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body in the current situation.

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