War against Ukraine: Heavy fighting in Kherson region

Status: 08/30/2022 3:10 p.m

The Ukrainian counter-offensive in the southern region of Cherson is apparently continuing: Kyiv reported fierce fighting, and President Zelenskyy asked the Russian soldiers to go home. In Moscow the situation is different.

After the start of a counter-offensive in the Russian-occupied Ukrainian region of Cherson, according to information from Kyiv, there is now “heavy fighting” in the area. There were “strong explosions all day and all night,” said the office of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Almost the entire region is affected. The armed forces had started “offensives in different directions”. Ammunition depots and all major bridges over the Dnipro River, which the Russian troops used for their supplies, had been destroyed.

Ukraine reports fighting across much of the Kherson region

Jens Eberl, WDR, daily news 12:00 p.m., August 30, 2022

Ukrainian military more restrained

However, the Ukrainian military held back with reports on the situation. The spokeswoman for the army’s southern command, Nataliya Humenyuk, spoke of “position battles” in the Cherson and Mykolaiv regions. But it is still too early to talk about recaptured places. “Fighting is going on right now, and it requires information silence,” Humenyuk said.

Zelenskyi urged the Russian soldiers to retreat. “It’s time for the Russian military to leave,” he said in his recent video address – “go home.” Zelenskyi said Ukrainian troops were chasing the Russian army to the border. Ukraine is taking back what is theirs.

Shaded in white: advance of the Russian army. Shaded in green: Russian-backed separatist areas. Crimea: annexed by Russia.

Image: ISW/08/29/2022

Moscow: Ukrainian offensive unsuccessful

The Ministry of Defense in Moscow, however, said that Ukraine’s offensives in the south were unsuccessful. The Ukrainian soldiers had suffered significant losses in their advances.

The British Ministry of Defense said the “scope of the Ukrainian advance” could not be confirmed. However, the Ukrainian army has “increased artillery fire on front sections throughout southern Ukraine” in order to interrupt Russian supply lines with “long-range precision strikes”.

The Kherson region with its capital of the same name on the banks of the Dnipro River borders on the Crimean peninsula annexed by Russia. It was the first major city in Ukraine to be taken by the Russian army shortly after the start of the Russian invasion. The region is central to the country’s agriculture and also strategically important due to its proximity to Crimea.

In the Russian-occupied parts of Cherson and the neighboring Zaporizhia region, the Kremlin is pursuing a policy of Russification with a view to possible annexation. Moscow has introduced the ruble as its currency there and is encouraging residents to obtain Russian passports.

Radiation levels at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant remain normal

Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry in Moscow announced that Ukrainian forces had again shelled the site of the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia with artillery. In addition, a shot down Ukrainian drone fell on the roof of a building in which nuclear fuel and radioactive waste were stored.

According to Russian information, the radiation levels at the nuclear power plant, which has come under fire several times, are still normal. The largest European nuclear power plant has been occupied by Russian troops since March. Russia and Ukraine hold each other responsible for the shelling of the facility in recent weeks.

War in Ukraine: renewed shelling at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and counter-offensive by Ukraine in the south

Jens Eberl, WDR, daily news at 2:00 p.m., August 30, 2022

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