War against Ukraine: ++ Canada talks to Germany over turbine ++

live blog

Status: 06/17/2022 03:58 a.m

Canada is in talks with Germany about a turbine needed for gas deliveries. Kiev Mayor Klitschko is pleased with Chancellor Scholz’s signal for Ukraine’s EU membership candidacy. All developments in the live blog.

3:58 a.m

US warns Russia to treat foreign prisoners of war humanely

The US has called on Russia to treat foreign fighters in the Ukrainian army who are in the hands of the Russian army as prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions. Prisoners of war must receive “the treatment and protection befitting their status, including humane treatment and guarantees of a fair trial,” said US State Department spokesman Ned Price.

According to Price, a third US citizen is missing in Ukraine. According to reports, two US citizens who had traveled to Ukraine as volunteer fighters were taken prisoner by the Russians last week. According to their families and members of Congress, former US soldiers Alexander Drueke and Andy Tai Huynh were last involved in combat north of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Price said there were reports that a third US citizen was missing in Ukraine.

3:43 a.m

Russian truck maker Kamaz admits difficulties with payments

The Russian truck manufacturer Kamaz admits to difficulties in making payments with its customers after the western sanctions. Exports are likely to stagnate at the previous year’s level or decline slightly, says Kamaz boss Sergei Kogogin. The foreign customers are hesitant or refused to make payments to the Russian company. Kamaz originally wanted to sell around 5,000 trucks abroad this year. But the goal was scaled back to 4,000 to 5,000. “We haven’t lost our customer base,” adds Kogogin. The partners would have difficulty understanding how to pay the company. The company has the same problem. In addition, the stronger ruble is causing problems for the company.

2:31 a.m

The Association of Towns and Municipalities advises municipalities to implement energy-saving plans because of the impending shortage of gas

In view of the reduced Russian gas supplies, the German Association of Towns and Municipalities has called for energy saving and advised the municipalities to draw up emergency plans. “When it comes to saving, not only the citizens are required, but also the municipalities with their thousands of administration buildings and other facilities,” said DStGB chief executive Gerd Landsberg of the “Rheinische Post”. The recent cuts in gas supplies by Russia show that “energy is being used as a means of political pressure”.

It cannot be ruled out that the situation will continue to deteriorate, said Landsberg. In this case, “concrete savings plans” in the municipalities make sense. “This includes, for example, lowering the temperatures in the administration buildings, reducing the temperature in swimming pools, possibly also the temporary closure of individual facilities, but vice versa also determining where a temperature reduction is not possible, for example in hospitals and care facilities,” said Landsberg.

2:20 a.m

Canada in talks with Germany over turbine

Together with Germany, Canada is looking for a solution for a turbine maintained there by the Siemens Energy Group for the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. “The Canadian government is in active discussions with Germany about the turbines in question and we are working on a solution,” a spokesman for Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources said in a statement. The electrical engineering group Siemens Energy is currently unable to deliver overhauled gas turbines to the Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline in Canada due to sanctions from Russia. The Russian Gazprom group had previously stated that delays in the repair of gas compressors by Siemens are currently limiting the capacity of the Baltic Sea pipeline.

2:20 a.m

Klitschko happy with signal for Ukraine’s EU membership candidacy

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko has welcomed the pledges made by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron to support Ukraine’s EU candidate status. “This is very, very good news. We are very happy,” said Klitschko of the German Press Agency. It is a dream of Ukraine to be part of the European family. Ukraine is paying for this with people’s lives.

“We are fighting for freedom, we are fighting for democratic values, for the future of our children,” said the mayor. Nevertheless, Klitschko demanded further deliveries of weapons. “We need more. Everyone in Germany, everyone in Europe must finally understand: We need defensive weapons,” said Klitschko. Ukraine is not only defending its country, cities and families. “We defend you,” said Klitschko. No one knows how far Russia will go. He pointed out that East Germany was also part of the “Soviet Empire” tens of years ago.

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