War against Ukraine: ++ Bundestag Vice President for main battle tank delivery ++

The Bundestag Vice-Presidents Göring-Eckardt and Kubicki campaign for a supply of main battle tanks to Ukraine. According to Kiev, more than 40 percent of the entire land area of ​​Ukraine is mined. The developments in the live blog.

3:59 a.m

Russia ends self-declared ceasefire

Russia ends the declared 36-hour ceasefire and again announces that it will continue its so-called “military special operation” until victory over Ukraine. Shortly after midnight on Sunday Moscow time, the governor of the Kharkiv region reported bomb attacks in which at least one person was killed via the short message service Telegram.

2:49 a.m

Prime Minister: Ukraine has the largest minefield in the world

According to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has created a 250,000 square kilometer minefield in his country. “It is currently the largest minefield in the world,” Schmyhal said in an interview with the South Korean news agency Yonhap.

According to Schmyhal, the mined area corresponds to more than 40 percent of the entire land area of ​​Ukraine. “Not only does this make it difficult for people to travel, but it also causes greater disruption to agriculture, which is one of our main industries,” the prime minister said.

1:39 am

Göring-Eckardt and Kubicki for main battle tank delivery

According to a report by the Funke media group, the Vice-Presidents of the German Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens) and Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP), after the German commitment to supply Ukraine with Marder infantry fighting vehicles, are also campaigning for the delivery of German Leopard-type battle tanks . “We should do and deliver everything that is possible. This also includes Leopard tanks,” said Goering-Eckart.

According to the report, Kubicki said it might be sensible to supply not only Marder but also Leopard tanks. However, any further support must be closely coordinated with the NATO partners, and he does not believe in Germany going it alone. Germany plans to deliver around 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine in the first quarter. A Patriot anti-aircraft missile system from Bundeswehr stocks is also to go to Ukraine by the end of March.

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