Walk through Neubiberg’s local history – district of Munich

Interested parties can discover the old and new Neubiberg on a tour along the main axis of the community with community archivist Christian Petrzik on Friday, September 30th. On the way from the train station – the starting point is at 3 p.m. at the administration building – to the Church of the Queen of the Rosary, the development of the town in the first decades of the 20th century is to be explained and understood. The town hall built in 1937/38 will also be a station. This is about the situation in Neubiberg during the Nazi era, everyday wartime life in the community and the development of public life after the end of the war. The guideline “Neubiberg – garden city with optimal educational, leisure and communication opportunities” is also addressed during the tour, according to which important decisions for the development of the community were made, especially during the tenure of Mayor Josef Schneider. In 1981, for example, the house for further education was opened. This is where the walk will end. Participation is free. You can register by calling 089/600 12-967 or -543.

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