Volunteer surrogate dad: Dan Blevins helps couples at LGBTQ weddings

Watch the video: Volunteer surrogate dad – Dan Blevins helps couples at LGBTQ weddings.

Surrogate Father accompanies LGBTQ+ couples who are not supported by their parents for important life events like weddings. “If you’re a same-sex couple looking to get married but don’t have parents to accompany you, please let me know.” Dan Blevins addresses LGBTQ+ couples with this request. Blevins is a Tennessee volunteer surrogate father of couples helping the LGBTQ+ community with special events. One of his goals is to support same-sex couples who are not accompanied by their parents for important life events such as weddings. The idea of ​​stepping in as a parent to members of the LGBTQ+ community came from Sarah Cunningham, founder of the group Free Mom Hugs. When Blevins found out about it, he first asked on TikTok if anyone needed a “dad.” After an overwhelming response, he founded Stand In Pride, a Facebook group that launched in 2021. Blevins redefines family, saying that ultimately, family is just those who are willing to be there for you to be and to support one.

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