Voices on the Djokovic case: “Biggest shame in history” – Sport


kurir.rs: “The court has decided: Deportation for Novak! The greatest shame in the history of sport happened in Melbourne! Shame on you, Australia! (…) The law has lost, politics has won.”

alo.rs: “A shame like you’ve never seen before! Djokovic will be deported, he will not play at the Australian Open.”

informer.rs: “Shattered like never before! Disappointed “Nole” spoke up in court after defeat. He makes no secret of his grief.”

President Aleksandar Vucic: “It was a witch hunt. I told Novak that I can’t wait for him to come back to Serbia, to his country, where he is always welcome. It’s unacceptable, the best tennis player for ten, eleven days treating him like that, and then giving him the same decision on day 11 as day 1. In the pointless trial, you could see how much the prosecution is lying. They lied, flat out. They say it vaccinated less than 50 percent people in Serbia, but officially it’s 58 percent. That’s more than in many other European countries.”


24sata.hr: “Now “Djoxit”! Novak will be deported.”


Prime Minister Scott Morrison: “Now is the time to get on with the Australian Open and enjoy the summer of tennis again. The decision was made for reasons of health, safety and order. Strong borders are fundamental to the Australian way of life – as well as the rule of law.”

Rest of the world:

Tennis Association ATP: “Regardless of how this point was reached, Novak is one of the greatest champions in our sport and his absence from the Australian Open is a loss for the game. We know how turbulent the past few days have been for Novak and how much he wanted to defend his title in Melbourne. We wish him the best and look forward to seeing him back on the pitch soon.”

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