Voice messages on Whatsapp: With these new features they are even more fun

Voice messages on Whatsapp: With these new features they are even more fun

In its blog, Whatsapp points out the numerous new possibilities for voice messages

© WhatsApp / PR

Voice messages are extremely popular among Messenger users. At Whatsapp you get a whole bunch of innovations lately.

Love them or hate them: For some Messenger users, voice messages are the annoying equivalent of the old answering machine message, for others they are the preferred way of communicating. Either way, they are a gigantic phenomenon: seven billion of them are sent every day on Whatsapp, according to Messenger. So it’s no wonder that they want to make it even more attractive with new functions.

In a new blog post, Whatsapp points out the numerous features that have been added to audio messages in recent months. While many have already arrived on the users’ smartphones, others are still in the final test phase or have only been rolled out to selected user groups. Here you can find out what’s new.

+++ Also read: These tips will help you get the most out of Whatsapp voice messages +++

Whatsapp Voice Messages: These features are new

Playback outside of chat

A few weeks ago, Whatsapp finally introduced one of the most awaited functions: Messages can now continue to be listened to even if you leave the corresponding chat in the meantime. But there is a small problem: it is much easier to end up in the wrong chat. Learn more here.

Pause and resume recordings

Too long pauses in the message and one uh after the other – if you’re not sure how you want to phrase something, a message quickly becomes almost impossible to hear. So that the other person does not have to suffer, you can pause the recording briefly and organize your own thoughts before continuing.

Check once before sending

Was that actually understandable? If you are unsure whether the voice message is understandable for the other person, you can now check it. Before sending, Whatsapp offers the option to listen to the message again.

Continue where you left off

For a long time, the messages could only be played from the beginning. Especially with long messages or when things got hectic, it quickly became very annoying. You can now also simply pause messages – and then continue listening to them at exactly the same point at a later point in time.

Save time with higher listening speeds

One of the biggest shortcomings of voice messages: You can’t skim them like you can a text and find the important parts. In the meantime, however, this can be imitated – by increasing the listening speed. You can choose between 1.5x and 2x speed. When the important part comes, you downshift again. But the feature also saves a lot of time with longer messages or slow speakers.

A smartphone shows a WhatsApp chat in which only emoticons are sent back and forth.

visualization of the message

The last innovation also helps to find the important places. With Whatsapp visualizing the recording as a waveform, you can already see visually when someone was talking and when not. Long pauses for reflection can therefore be easily skipped.

Whatsapp Voice Messages: When are the new features coming?

As described above, some of the new functions have already appeared in the last few weeks, others are only slowly following. Whatsapp has not yet revealed an exact schedule of when which functions will appear for all users. But we won’t have to wait too long. They will be “introduced in the next few weeks,” according to the blog post.


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